The shelter thinks I am about 5 years old.
I weigh approximately 18 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since May 09, 2012 deleted 6/9/12
ID#A1312587-SOUTH LA SHELTER-I am an unaltered male, cream and tan Cocker Spaniel mix.
The shelter thinks I am about 10 months old.
I weigh approximately 29 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since May 26, 2012. deleted 6/9/12
ID#A1308069-SOUTH LA SHELTER-I am an unaltered male, red and tan Cocker Spaniel mix.
The shelter thinks I am about 4 years old.
I have been at the shelter since May 10, 2012 deleted 5/30/12
ID#A1309693-SOUTH LA SHELTER-I am an unaltered male, red Cocker Spaniel.
My age is unknown.
I have been at the shelter since May 16, 2012 deleted 5/30/12
ID#A1303015-SOUTH LA SHELTERI am an unaltered male, white Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter thinks I am about 2 months old.
I weigh approximately 8 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since Apr 24, 2012 deleted 5/30/12
CAMILLA - ID#A1303320-SOUTH LA SHELTER-My name is Camilla and I am an unaltered female, red and white Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter thinks I am about 6 years old.
I weigh approximately 26 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since Apr 25, 2012. deleted 5/30/12
ID#A1306524-SOUTH LA SHELTERI am an unaltered male, white and brown
The shelter thinks I am about 7 years old.
I have been at the shelter since May 04, 2012
ID#A1306744-SOUTH LA SHELTER-I am an unaltered female, black and white Cocker Spaniel mix.
My age is unknown.
I have been at the shelter since May 05, 201 deleted 5/12/12
ID#A1303979-SOUTH LA SHELTER-I am a spayed female, cream and white Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter thinks I am about 10 years old.
I weigh approximately 19 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since Apr 27, 2012 deleted 5/12/12
ID#A1304127-SOUTH LA SHELTER-I am an unaltered male, white and brown Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter thinks I am about 10 months old.
I weigh approximately 31 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since Apr 27, 2012. deleted 5/12/12
ID#A1297756-SOUTH LA SHELTER-I am an unaltered female, brown and white Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter thinks I am about 4 years old.
I weigh approximately 28 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since Apr 04, 2012 deleted 4/28/12
ID#A1299175-SOUTH LA SHELTER-I am an unaltered female, tan Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter thinks I am about 1 years and 0 months old.
I weigh approximately 15 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since Apr 10, 2012 deleted 4/28/12
ID#A1299221-SOUTH LA SHELTER-I am an unaltered male, white Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter thinks I am about 1 years and 0 months old.
I weigh approximately 22 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since Apr 10, 2012. deleted 4/28/12
ID#A1297484-SOUTH LA SHELTER-I am an unaltered male, tan and white Cocker Spaniel.
My age is unknown.
I have been at the shelter since Apr 03, 2012. deleted 4/13/12
ID#A1297787-SOUTH LA SHELTER-I am an unaltered male, buff Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter thinks I am about 2 years and 0 months old.
I weigh approximately 21 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since Apr 04, 2012. deleted 4/13/12
ID#A1297626-SOUTH LA SHELTER- I am an unaltered male, white and brown Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter thinks I am about 3 years old.
I weigh approximately 22 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since Apr 04, 2012. deleted 4/13/12
ID#A1297625-SOUTH LA SHELTER-I am an unaltered female, white and brown Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter thinks I am about 3 years old.
I weigh approximately 17 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since Apr 04, 2012 deleted 4/13/12
ID#A1293306-SOUTH LA SHELTER-I am an unaltered male, black and white Cocker Spaniel.
My age is unknown.
I have been at the shelter since Mar 19, 2012. deleted 4/3/12
BADDER - ID#A0993713- SOUTH LA SHELTERMy name is Badder and I am an unaltered male, black Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter thinks I am about 4 years old.
I weigh approximately 23 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since Feb 16, 2012. deleted 3/13/12
ID#A1286416 - SOUTH LA SHELTERI am an unaltered male, black and brown Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter thinks I am about 5 years old.
I weigh approximately 25 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since Feb 17, 2012. deleted 3/4/12
ID#A1282883- SOUTH LA-I am an unaltered male, red and white Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter thinks I am about 4 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Feb 01, 2012. deleted 3/4/12
ID#A1284336- SOUTH LA -I am an unaltered male, brown Cocker Spaniel mix.
The shelter thinks I am about 3 years old.
I weigh approximately 15 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since Feb 07, 2012. deleted 2/19/12
LACEY - ID#A1284564-SOUTH LA SHELTER-My name is Lacey and I am an unaltered female, gold Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter thinks I am about 8 years old.
I weigh approximately 33 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since Feb 09, 2012.
Owner turn in deleted 2/19/12
ID#A1280696 - SOUTH LA SHELTERI am an unaltered male, red and white Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter thinks I am about 2 years and 0 months old.
I have been at the shelter since Jan 24, 2012. deleted 1/29/12
The shelter thinks I am about 2 years and 0 months old.
I have been at the shelter since Jan 24, 2012. deleted 1/29/12
ID#A1275571-SOUTH LA SHELTERI am an unaltered female, cream Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter thinks I am about 8 months old.
I weigh approximately 16 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since Jan 04, 2012. deleted 1/22/12
ID#A1273938-SOUTH LAI am an unaltered female, black and white Cocker Spaniel mix.
The shelter thinks I am about 10 months old.
I have been at the shelter since Dec 25, 2011. deleted 1/22/12
ID#A1273751-SOUTH LA SHELTERI am an unaltered female, fawn Cocker Spaniel mix.
The shelter thinks I am about 4 years old.
I weigh approximately 23 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since Dec 23, 2011. deleted 1/22/12
ID#A1273780-SOUTH LA SHELTERI am an unaltered male, black Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter thinks I am about 1 year and 6 months old.
I have been at the shelter since Dec 24, 2011. deleted 1/22/12
ID#A1273766-SOUTH LA SHELTERI am a neutered male, black Cocker Spaniel mix.
The shelter thinks I am about 2 years and 0 months old.
I weigh approximately 30 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since Dec 24, 2011. deleted 1/22/12
ID#A1273519-SOUTH LA SHELTERI am an unaltered male, black Cocker Spaniel.
My age is unknown.
I have been at the shelter since Dec 22, 2011. deleted 1/22/12
ID#A1272798-SOUTH LAI am an unaltered male, black and white Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter thinks I am about 2 months old.
I weigh approximately 9 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since Dec 19, 2011. deleted 1/22/12
BOB - ID#A1270473-SOUTH LA SHELTERMy name is Bob and I am an unaltered male, white and black Cocker Spaniel mix.
The shelter thinks I am about 8 months old.
I have been at the shelter since Dec 08, 2011.
owner turn in deleted 12/20/11
ID#A1269777-SOUTH LA SHELTERI am an unaltered female, tan Cocker Spaniel mix.
The shelter thinks I am about 4 years old.
I weigh approximately 24 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since Dec 06, 2011 deleted 12/20/11
FRESNO - ID#A1266979-SOUTH LA SHELTERMy name is Fresno and I am an unaltered male, brown and white Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter thinks I am about 1 year and 11 months old.
I weigh approximately 27 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since Nov 22, 2011.
owner turn in deleted 11/27/11
ID#A1265672-SOUTH LAI am an unaltered female, gold Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter thinks I am about 3 years old.
I weigh approximately 23 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since 11/16/2011 deleted 11/27/11
ID#A1264738-SOUTH LA SHELTERI am an unaltered male, buff and white Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter thinks I am about 2 years and 0 months old.
I weigh approximately 22 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since Nov 13, 2011. deleted 11/27/11
LEO - ID#A1261622-SOUTH LA SHELTERMy name is Leo and I am an unaltered male, cream Cocker Spaniel mix.
The shelter thinks I am about 1 years and 0 months old.
I weigh approximately 21 pounds. deleted 11/6/11
ID#A1261711-SOUTH LA SHELTERI am an unaltered female, buff Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter thinks I am about 1 year and 6 months old.
I weigh approximately 24 pounds. deleted 11/6/11
CODY - ID#A1260411-SOUTH LA SHELTERMy name is Cody and I am an unaltered male, gold and tan Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter thinks I am about 4 years old.
I weigh approximately 21 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since Oct 26, 2011
Owner turn in deleted 11/6/11
COOKIE - ID#A1257376-SOUTH LA SHELTERMy name is Cookie and I am a neutered male, brown Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter thinks I am about 4 years old.
I weigh approximately 37 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since Oct 14, 2011. deleted 10/26/11
ID#A1255099-SOUTH LA SHELTERI am an unaltered male, cream and brown Cocker Spaniel.
My age is unknown.
I have been at the shelter since Oct 05, 2011. deleted 10/26/11
TOMASA - ID#A1254508-SOUTH LA SHELTERMy name is Tomasa and I am an unaltered female, black and tricolor Cocker Spaniel
My age is unknown.
I have been at the shelter since Oct 02, 2011. deleted 10/11/11
ID#A1253392-SOUTH LA SHELTERI am an unaltered female, tan Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter thinks I am about 2 years and 0 months old.
I weigh approximately 19 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since Sep 28, 2011. deleted 10/11/11
ID#A1253691-SOUTH LA SHELTERI am an unaltered female, tan Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter thinks I am about 2 years and 0 months old.
I weigh approximately 17 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since Sep 29, 2011.
rescued by camp cocker on 10/1/11
ID#A1253497-SOUTH LA SHELTERI am an unaltered male, black and tan Cocker Spaniel.
My age is unknown.
I have been at the shelter since Sep 28, 2011 deleted 10/2/11
ID#A1252108-SOUTH LA SHELTERI am an unaltered female, buff Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter thinks I am about 2 years and 0 months old.
I weigh approximately 20 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since Sep 23, 2011.
rescued by camp cocker on 10/1/11
ID#A1251028-SOUTH LA SHELTERI am an unaltered male, tan Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter thinks I am about 9 years old.
I weigh approximately 22 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since Sep 18, 2011 deleted 9/27/11
LADY - ID#A1243212-SOUTH LA SHELTERMy name is Lady and I am an unaltered female, brown and tan Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter thinks I am about 2 years and 1 month old.
I weigh approximately 24 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since September 9, 2011
Owner turn in
deleted 9/20/11
ID#A1245595-SOUTH LA SHELTERI am an unaltered female, cream Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter thinks I am about 10 years old.
I weigh approximately 31 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since Aug 30, 2011. deleted 9/6/11
ID#A1243607-SOUTH LAI am an unaltered female, white and brown Cocker Spaniel.
My age is unknown.
I have been at the shelter since Aug 23, 2011. deleted 9/6/11
ID#A1243212-SOUTH LA SHELTERI am an unaltered female, brown and tan Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter thinks I am about 2 years and 0 months old.
I weigh approximately 25 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since Aug 22, 2011. deleted 9/6/11
ID#A1243403-SOUTH LA SHELTERI am an unaltered female, black Cocker Spaniel.
My age is unknown.
I have been at the shelter since Aug 23, 2011. deleted 8/30/11
ID#A1243215-SOUTH LA SHELTERI am an unaltered male, white and brown Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter thinks I am about 2 years and 0 months old.
I weigh approximately 27 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since Aug 22, 2011. deleted 8/30/11
ID#A1234958-SOUTH LA SHELTERI am an unaltered male, red and white Cocker Spaniel.
My age is unknown.
I have been at the shelter since Jul 26, 2011. deleted 8/16/11
MUPPET - ID#A1234110My name is Muppet and I am an unaltered female, chocolate Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter thinks I am about 5 years old.
I weigh approximately 23 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since Jul 23, 2011. deleted 8/16/11
BLACKIE - ID#A1232232-SOUTH LA SHELTERMy name is Blackie and I am an unaltered male, black Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter thinks I am about 3 years old.
I weigh approximately 31 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since Jul 16, 2011. deleted 8/7/11
SCULLY - ID#A0481084-SOUTH LA SHELTERMy name is Scully and I am an unaltered female, black Cocker Spaniel mix.
The shelter thinks I am about 9 years old.
I weigh approximately 15 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since Jul 01, 2011. deleted 7/19/11
ID#A1228335-SOUTH LA SHELTERI am an unaltered male, cream Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter thinks I am about 1 years and 0 months old.
I weigh approximately 27 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since Jul 05, 2011. deleted 7/12/11
ID#A1227984-SOUTH LA SHELTERI am an unaltered male, black smoke Cocker Spaniel mix.
The shelter thinks I am about 4 years old.
I weigh approximately 19 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since Jul 03, 2011. deleted 7/12/11
ID#A1227181-SOUTH LA SHELTERI am an unaltered female, white and tan Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter thinks I am about 1 years and 0 months old.
I weigh approximately 21 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since Jun 30, 2011. deleted 7/12/11
ID#A1227186-SOUTH LA SHELTERI am an unaltered male, white and black Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter thinks I am about 1 years and 0 months old.
I weigh approximately 21 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since Jun 30, 2011. deleted 7/12/11
ID#A1226173-SOUTH LA SHELTERI am an unaltered male, tan and white Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter thinks I am about 5 years old.
I weigh approximately 42 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since Jun 28, 2011.
deleted 7/12/11
LUCKY - ID#A1080730My name is Lucky and I am a neutered male, black Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter thinks I am about 5 years old.
I weigh approximately 28 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since Jun 25, 2011. deleted 7/3/11
BELL - ID#A1145667-SOUTH LA SHELTERMy name is Bell and I am a spayed female, red Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter thinks I am about 6 years old.
I weigh approximately 23 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since Jun 24, 2011. deleted 7/3/11
ID#A1223037-SOUTH LA SHELTERI am a neutered male, white and brown Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter thinks I am about 8 years old.
I weigh approximately 45 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since Jun 17, 2011 deleted 7/3/11
SHEBA - ID#A1206011-SOUTH LA SHELTERMy name is Sheba and I am a spayed female, black and white Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter thinks I am about 4 years old.
I weigh approximately 31 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since May 31, 2011. deleted 7/3/11
I am an unaltered female, tan Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter thinks I am about 3 years old.
I weigh approximately 28 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since Jun 21, 2011.
rescued by Camp Cocker 6/28/11 and named Ashley
ID#A1218791-SOUTH LA SHELTERI am an unaltered male, tan Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter thinks I am about 1 year and 6 months old.
I weigh approximately 18 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since Jun 02, 2011. deleted 6/11/11
ID#A1216601-SOUTH LA SHELTERI am an unaltered male, apricot Cocker Spaniel.
My age is unknown.
I have been at the shelter since May 25, 2011.
deleted 6/3/11
ID#A1216094-SOUTH LA SHELTERI am an unaltered male, brown Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter thinks I am about 1 year and 6 months old.
I weigh approximately 30 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since May 24, 2011. deleted 6/3/11
ID#A1214644-SOUTH LA SHELTERI am an unaltered female, black Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter thinks I am about 10 years old.
I weigh approximately 20 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since May 19, 2011.
deleted 6/3/11
ID#A1212943-SOUTH LA SHELTERI am an unaltered male, brown Cocker Spaniel mix.
The shelter thinks I am about 5 years old.
I weigh approximately 15 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since May 13, 2011. deleted 6/3/11
BENTLEY - ID#A1190468-SOUTH LA SHELTERMy name is Bentley and I am a neutered male, tan and white Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter thinks I am about 1 year and 9 months old.
I weigh approximately 32 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since May 21, 2011. deleted 5/31/11
RED - ID#A1215147-SOUTH LA SHELTERMy name is Red and I am an unaltered male, red Cocker Spaniel and Pekingese.
My age is unknown.
I have been at the shelter since May 20, 2011. deleted 5/31/11
ID#A1212882-SOUTH LA SHELTERI am a black and white Cocker Spaniel.
My age is unknown.
I have been at the shelter since May 13, 2011. deleted 5/31/11
ID#A1211124-SOUTH LA SHELTERI am an unaltered female, tan and white Cocker Spaniel mix.
The shelter thinks I am about 3 years old.
I weigh approximately 13 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since May 08, 2011. deleted 5/31/11
ID#A1213564-SOUTH LA SHELTERI am an unaltered male, white and brown Cocker Spaniel mix.
The shelter thinks I am about 1 year and 6 months old.
I weigh approximately 22 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since May 16, 2011. deleted 5/21/11
ID#A1208977-SOUTH LA SHELTERI am an unaltered female, buff Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter thinks I am about 7 years old.
I weigh approximately 20 pounds. deleted 5/17/11
CHAEL - ID#A1198093-SOUTH LA SHELTERMy name is Chanel and I am a spayed female, gold Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter thinks I am about 8 years old.
I weigh approximately 39 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since Mar 25, 2011 deleted 5/10/11
CHEPO - ID#A1202628-SOUTH LA SHELTERMy name is Chepo and I am an unaltered male, black and white Cocker Spaniel mix.
The shelter thinks I am about 1 years and 0 months old. deleted 5/10/11
ID#A1207534-SOUTH LA SHELTERI am an unaltered female, black and brown Cocker Spaniel mix.
The shelter thinks I am about 5 months old.
I weigh approximately 9 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since Apr 26, 2011. deleted 5/10/11
ID#A1209006-SOUTH LA SHELTERI am an unaltered female, brown Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter thinks I am about 10 years old.
I weigh approximately 20 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since Apr 30, 2011. deleted 5/10/11
ID#A1201859-SOUTH LA SHELTERI am an unaltered male, gold and tan Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter thinks I am about 3 years old.
I weigh approximately 26 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since Apr 07, 2011. deleted 4/19/11
ID#A1200061- SOUTH LA SHELTERMy name is Baby and I am an unaltered male, white and tan Cocker Spaniel.
My age is unknown.
I have been at the shelter since Apr 02, 2011 deleted 4/19/11
BUDDY - ID#A1200064-SOUTH LA SHELTERMy name is Buddy and I am an unaltered male, tan Cocker Spaniel.
My age is unknown.
I weigh approximately 32 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since Apr 02, 2011 deleted 4/19/11
ID#A1199370- SOUTH LA SHELTERI am an unaltered female, tan Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter thinks I am about 2 years and 0 months old.
I weigh approximately 22 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since Mar 31, 2011
deleted 4/19/11
BRENDAN - ID#A1195214My name is Brendan and I am an unaltered male, white and tan Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter thinks I am about 5 years old.
I weigh approximately 30 pounds
I have been at the shelter since Mar 13, 2011.
deleted 4/17/11
ID#A1200193-SOUTH LA SHELTERI am an unaltered female, white and brown Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter thinks I am about 3 years old.
I weigh approximately 27 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since Apr 03, 2011 deleted 4/8/11
ID#A1200194-SOUTH LA SHELTERI am a neutered male, white and tan Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter thinks I am about 3 years old.
I weigh approximately 35 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since Apr 03, 2011 deleted 4/8/11
ID#A1196795I am an unaltered female, cream Cocker Spaniel.
My age is unknown.
I have been at the shelter since Mar 18, 2011. deleted 4/8/11
ID#A1197657-SOUTH LA SHELTERI am an unaltered male, black and white Cocker Spaniel mix.
The shelter thinks I am about 5 months old.
I weigh approximately 11 pounds. I have been at the shelter since 3/23/11.
Moved to Harbor animal control
RUSTY - ID#A0678983My name is Rusty and I am a neutered male, brown and black Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter thinks I am about 8 years old.
I weigh approximately 22 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since Mar 01, 2011. deleted 3/25/11
PICCOLO - ID#A1192098My name is Piccolo and I am an unaltered male, tan Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter thinks I am about 2 years and 1 month old.
I weigh approximately 21 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since Feb 27, 2011Rescued by camp cocker on 3/17/11
ID#A1191725I am an unaltered male, white and black Cocker Spaniel mix.
The shelter thinks I am about 3 years old.
I weigh approximately 24 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since Feb 25, 2011, came in as a stray and will be available on 3/2/11. Shelter stated dog is very aggressive to people and tries to bite deleted 3/15/11
ID#A1192270I am an unaltered female, black Cavalier King Charles Spaniel mix.
The shelter thinks I am about 3 years old.
I weigh approximately 11 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since Feb 28, 2011 deleted 3/15/11
ID#A1193978I am an unaltered female, black and white Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter thinks I am about 10 years old.
I weigh approximately 40 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since Mar 08, 2011.
Came in as a stray and will be available to adopt on 3/12/11 deleted 3/15/11
RUSTY - ID#A0678983My name is Rusty and I am a neutered male, brown and black Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter thinks I am about 8 years old.
I weigh approximately 22 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since Mar 01, 2011. deleted on 3/10/11, dog was adopted
#A1188953I am an unaltered female, tan Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter thinks I am about 11 months old.
I weigh approximately 11 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since Feb 13, 2011.
I came to the shelter as a stray and am available now. de;eted 2/24/11
CURTIS - ID#A1183636
This unaltered male, gold Cocker Spaniel is about 3 years old and weighs approximately 33 pounds. He has been at the shelter since Feb 03, 2011 and is available now. He was turned in to shelter by owners because they did not have time for a dog deleted 2/24/11
BUDDY - ID#A1091237
This neutered male, white and tan Cocker Spaniel mix is about 1 year and 8 months old and weighs approximately 28 pounds. He has been at the shelter since Feb 04, 2011. deleted 2/20/11

This unaltered male, white and brown Cocker Spaniel is about 2 years old and weighs approximately 26 pounds. He has been at the shelter since Feb 03, 2011 and will be available to adopt on Feb 8. He is being treated for an ear infection. rescued by cage free canine on 2/19/11
This neutered male, red Cocker Spaniel is about 9 years old and weighs approximately 31 pounds. He came to the shelter as a stray on Dec 11, 2010.
deleted 12/27/10
This neutered male, tan Cocker Spaniel is about 3 years old and weighs approximately 24 pounds. He came to the shelter as a stray with a microchip on Dec 17, 2010 and will be available for adoption on Dec. 24 if not claimed by his owner.
deleted 12/27/10
This unaltered male, white Cocker Spaniel - Miniature Poodle mix is about 2 years old and weighs approximately 20 pounds. He came to the shelter as a stray on Dec 03, 2010 and will be available for adoption on Dec. 8.
deleted 12/27/10
BABY - ID#A0416939
This spayed female, white and brown Cocker Spaniel mix is about 10 years old and weighs approximately 25 pounds. She came to the shelter as a stray with a microchip on Dec 14, 2010. If her owner does not respond, she will be available on Dec. 22.
deleted 12/22/10
BINGO II - ID#A1173889
This unaltered male, buff Cocker Spaniel is about 3 years old. He has been at the shelter since Dec 08, 2010.
adopted 12/8/10ID#A1167652
This neutered male, black Cocker Spaniel - Miniature Poodle mix is about 3 years old and weighs approximately 25 pounds. He came to the shelter as a stray on Nov 08, 2010.
He will be available for adoption on Nov. 16 if his owners do not claim him by then.
deleted 12/8/10
BEAR - ID#A1167975 - SOUTH LA SHELTERThis unaltered male, tan Cocker Spaniel is about 2 years old and weighs approximately 30 pounds. He was surrendered by his owner on Nov 09, 2010.
deleted 12/8/10
COOKIE - ID#A0639261
This spayed female, black Cocker Spaniel is about 14 years old and weighs approximately 43 pounds. She was surrendered by her owner on Nov 26, 2010.
adopted 12/7/10ID#A1159457
This unaltered male, brown and tan Cocker Spaniel weighs approximately 24 pounds. He has been at the shelter since Oct 07, 2010.
deleted 11/28/10ID#A1167256
This neutered male, black and tan Cocker Spaniel is about 10 years old and weighs approximately 34 pounds. He came to the shelter as a stray on Nov 06, 2010. He will be available for adoption on Nov. 13 if his owners do not claim him by then.
deleted 11/28/10JENNY - ID#A0399764
This spayed female, black and white Cocker Spaniel mix is about 10 years old and weighs approximately 26 pounds. She has been at the shelter since Oct 30, 2010. Her owner has been notified that she is at the shelter and they have until Nov. 6 to claim her, after which she will become available for adoption.
deleted 11/15/10JACKSON - ID#A1163075
This unaltered male, red Cocker Spaniel is approximately 6 years old. He was surrendered by his owners on Oct 21, 2010 because they did not have time for him. He is available for adoption now. Jackson has a video!
pulled by Little Pampered Paws Rescue 10/30/10
This unaltered female, gold Cocker Spaniel mix is about 2 years old and weighs approximately 17 pounds. She has been at the shelter since Oct 10, 2010.
deleted 10/26/10
This unaltered male, gold Cocker Spaniel is about 6 years old and weighs approximately 21 pounds. He has been at the shelter since Sep 25, 2010.
deleted 10/21/10KIKI - ID#A0564602
This spayed female, tricolor Cocker Spaniel mix is about 8 years old and weighs approximately 35 pounds. She has been at the shelter since Sep 07, 2010.
deleted 10/21/10
This unaltered female, red and white Cocker Spaniel - Dachshund mix is about 2 years old and
weighs approximately 19 pounds. She has been at the shelter since Jan 29, 2010.
deleted 2/10/10
This neutered male, tan and red Cocker Spaniel - Dachshund mix is about 2 years old and weighs approximately 23 pounds. He has been at the shelter since Jan 29, 2010.
deleted 2/10/10
This unaltered male, tricolor Cocker Spaniel is about 5 years old and weighs approximately 23 pounds. He came into the shelter as a stray on Jan 21, 2010 and has been available for adoption since Jan. 26.
deleted 2/1/10BEEFY - ID#A1087776Beefy is an unaltered male, gold and tan Cocker Spaniel - Chihuahua mix. He is about 6 years old. Beefy has been at the shelter since Jan 22, 2010.
deleted 1/28/10ID#A1086576
This unaltered male, brown Cocker Spaniel is about 3 years old. He has been at the shelter since Jan 14, 2010.
deleted 1/17/10
This unaltered female, tan Cocker Spaniel has been at the shelter since Jan 10, 2010. Rescued by Camp Cocker 1/15/10!
This tan Cocker Spaniel has been at the shelter since Jan 08, 2010.
deleted 1/9/10
This tan Cocker Spaniel has been at the shelter since Jan 08, 2010.
deleted 1/9/10
TOMMY - ID#A1059289Tommy is an unaltered male, rust Cocker Spaniel/Miniature Poodle mix. He is about 1 year and 4 months old. Tommy has been at the shelter since Dec 23, 2009.
deleted 1/8/10
This unaltered male, tan Cocker Spaniel is about 6 years old. He has been at the shelter since Dec 17, 2009.
deleted 1/4/10
This unaltered, male buff Cocker Spaniel mix is about 2 years old. He has been at the shelter since Dec 23, 2009.
deleted 1/4/10 - rescued by Ken-Mar RescueID#A1084502
This tan Cocker Spaniel has been at the shelter since Jan 01, 2010.
deleted 1/3/09ID#A1083165
This unaltered female, black Cocker Spaniel is about 2 years old. She has been at the shelter since Dec 22, 2009.
deleted 12/31/09
This unaltered male, buff and brown Cocker Spaniel mix is about 2 years old. He has been at the shelter since Dec 18, 2009.
deleted 12/23/09
ID#A1078469This unaltered male, tan Cocker Spaniel mix is about 2 years old. He has been at the shelter since Nov. 24, 2009.
deleted 12/23/09
This unaltered male, buff and white Cocker Spaniel is about 3 years old. He has been at the shelter since Dec 14, 2009.
deleted 12/22/09BRENDEN - ID#A1078307This unaltered male, red Cocker Spaniel is about 4 years old. He has been at the shelter since Nov. 23, 2009.
deleted 12/16/09
LUCKY - ID#A1080730Lucky is an unaltered male, black Cocker Spaniel. He is about 4 years old. Lucky has been at the shelter since Dec 08, 2009.
deleted 12/14/09
ID#A1078962This unaltered male, white and cream Cocker Spaniel mix is about 1 year old. He has been at the South Los Angeles shelter since Nov. 28, 2009.
deleted 12/12/09
This unaltered male, brown and white Cocker Spaniel has been at the shelter since Dec 11, 2009.
deleted 12/12/09
COCO - ID#A1078980Coco is an unaltered male, white Miniature Poodle/Cocker Spaniel mix. He is about 11 years old.
He has been at the shelter since Nov. 28, 2009.
deleted 12/8/09
GOLDIE - ID#A0783262Goldie is an unaltered female, gold Cocker Spaniel. She is about 10 years old. Goldie has been at the shelter since Dec 05, 2009.
deleted 12/8/09SHAYNAH (aka SESSIE) - ID#A1075049Shaynah is an unaltered female, brown and tan Cocker Spaniel mix. She is about 2 years old.
Shaynah has been at the shelter since Nov. 5, 2009.
deleted 12/8/09
ID#A1077471This unaltered male, brown and white Cocker Spaniel mix is about 2 years old. He has been at the shelter since Nov. 18, 2009.
deleted 12/8/09
We saw Buff (A1083332) listed above at the Studio City park event Sunday and called this morning to get him. Apparently a rescue group picked him up yesterday, but they would not tell me which one. Do you know how I can locate which rescue group he went to?
ReplyDeletethanks. my email is