ID#A4430302-CARSON SHELTER-I am described as a male, red Cocker Spaniel mix
The shelter thinks I am about 5 years old. deleted 6/9/12
I have been at the shelter since May 17, 2012
LADY - ID#A4046987-CARSON SHELTER-My name is Lady and I am described as a spayed female, tan Cocker Spaniel mix
The shelter thinks I am about 3 years old.
I have been at the shelter since May 18, 2012
deleted 5/24/12
PEPPER - ID#A4424516-CARSON SHELTER-My name is Pepper and I am described as a female,
The shelter thinks I am about 4 years old.
I have been at the shelter since May 02, 2012
Owner turn in deleted 5/24/12
ID#A4421695-CARSON SHELTER-I am described as a female, tan Cocker Spaniel
The shelter thinks I am about 2 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Apr 25, 2012 deleted 5/14/12
ID#A4422474-CARSON SHELTER-I am described as a male, black Cocker Spaniel mix
The shelter thinks I am about 1 year old.
I have been at the shelter since Apr 27, 2012
deleted 5/14/12
ID#A4417823-CARSON SHELTER-I am described as a male, black and white Cocker Spaniel mix
The shelter thinks I am about 5 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Apr 16, 2012 deleted 5/2/12
GINGER - ID#A4420460-CARSON SHELTER-My name is Ginger and I am described as a spayed female, tan Cocker Spaniel mix
The shelter thinks I am about 3 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Apr 23, 2012 deleted 5/2/12
ID#A4405970-CARSON SHELTERI am described as a female, brown Cocker Spaniel
The shelter thinks I am about 2 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Mar 15, 2012. deleted 4/28/12
ID#A4407181-CARSON SHELTER-I am described as a female, gold and white Cocker Spaniel mix
The shelter thinks I am about 3 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Mar 19, 2012. deleted 4/28/12
ID#A4415482-CARSON SHELTER-I am described as a female, brown and red Cocker Spaniel
The shelter thinks I am about 2 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Apr 09, 2012. deleted 4/28/12
ID#A4402853- CARSON SHELTER-I am described as a male, tan Cocker Spaniel
The shelter thinks I am about 4 months old.
I have been at the shelter since Mar 08, 2012. deleted 3/21/12
JUNE - ID#A4390290 - CARSON SHELTERMy name is June and I am described as a neutered male, black and white Cocker Spaniel mix
The shelter thinks I am about 7 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Jan 27, 2012.
Owner turn in
ID#A4385114-CARSON SHELTERI am described as a male, black Cocker Spaniel mix
The shelter thinks I am about 1 year old.
I have been at the shelter since Jan 09, 2012. deleted 3/4/12
ID#A4384511-CARSON SHELTERI am described as a female, white Cocker Spaniel mix
The shelter thinks I am about 4 months old.
I have been at the shelter since Jan 07, 2012. deleted 1/26/12
ID#A4368789-CARSON SHELTERI am described as a male, gold Cocker Spaniel mix
The shelter thinks I am about 3 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Nov 26, 2011. deleted 1/1/12
COCKY - ID#A1273168-EAST VALLEY SHELTERMy name is Cocky and I am an unaltered male, red and cream Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter thinks I am about 5 years old.
I weigh approximately 29 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since Dec 20, 2011 deleted 1/1/12
ID#A1272547-EAST VALLEY SHELTERI am an unaltered male, brown Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter thinks I am about 2 years and 0 months old.
I weigh approximately 26 pounds.
I have been at the shelter since Dec 18, 2011.
deleted 1/1/12
ID#A4369820-CARSON SHELTERI am described as a male, white Cocker Spaniel mix
The shelter thinks I am about 2 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Nov 29, 2011. deleted 12/20/11
CHACHA - ID#A4368767-CARSON SHELTERMy name is Chacha and I am described as a female, tan Cocker Spaniel mix
The shelter thinks I am about 9 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Nov 26, 2011.
owner turn in deleted 12/15/11
ID#A4368647-CARSON SHELTERI am described as a male, tricolor and black Cocker Spaniel mix
The shelter thinks I am about 2 months old.
I have been at the shelter since Nov 25, 2011. deleted 12/15/11
ID#A4366895-CARSON SHELTERI am described as a female, buff Cocker Spaniel
The shelter thinks I am about 1 year old.
I have been at the shelter since Nov 19, 2011. deleted 12/15/11
BUDDY - ID#A4365175-CARSON SHELTERMy name is Buddy and I am described as a male, gold Cocker Spaniel
The shelter thinks I am about 11 months old.
I have been at the shelter since Nov 14, 2011.
Owner turn in
deleted 11/27/11
MAXWELL - ID#A4362260-CARSON SHELTERMy name is Maxwell and I am described as a neutered male, tan Cocker Spaniel mix
The shelter thinks I am about 12 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Nov 06, 2011 deleted 11/20/11
ID#A4355231-CARSON SHELTERI am described as a male, brown and tan Cocker Spaniel
The shelter thinks I am about 3 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Oct 20, 2011. deleted 11/15/11
ID#A4351452-CARSON SHELTERI am described as a female, white and black Cocker Spaniel mix
The shelter thinks I am about 1 year old.
I have been at the shelter since Oct 12, 2011.Sep 20, 2011. deleted 11/15/11
ID#A4342629-CARSON SHELTERI am described as a female, brown Cocker Spaniel mix
The shelter thinks I am about 5 years old. deleted 11/6/11
ID#A4351451-CARSON SHELTERI am described as a female, white and brown Cocker Spaniel mix
The shelter thinks I am about 1 year old.
I have been at the shelter since Oct 12, 2011. deleted 10/30/11
ID#A4340145-CARSON SHELTERI am described as a male, white and brown Cocker Spaniel mix
The shelter thinks I am about 4 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Sep 15, 2011 deleted 10/21/11
ID#A4344524-CARSON SHELTERI am described as a male, red Cocker Spaniel
The shelter thinks I am about 8 months old.
I have been at the shelter since Sep 24, 2011.
deleted 10/11/11
ID#A4331642-CARSON SHELTERI am described as a male, red Cocker Spaniel mix
The shelter thinks I am about 3 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Aug 27, 2011. deleted 10/2/11
ID#A4332328-CARSON SHELTERI am described as a male, blonde and brown Cocker Spaniel
The shelter thinks I am about 4 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Aug 29, 2011.
deleted 9/20/11
ID#A4328026-CARSON SHELTERI am described as a male, tan Cocker Spaniel mix
The shelter thinks I am about 4 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Aug 20, 2011. deleted 9/20/11
CHILI -D - I#A4326056-CARSON SHELTERMy name is Chili -d and I am described as a male, gold Cocker Spaniel mix
The shelter thinks I am about 13 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Aug 16, 2011. deleted 9/20/11
ID#A4324858-CARSON SHELTERMy name is Cocker and I am described as a male, white Cocker Spaniel mix
The shelter thinks I am about 2 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Aug 13, 2011. deleted 8/30/11
SIMON - ID#A4322397-CARSON SHELTERMy name is Simon and I am described as a male, white and tricolor English Cocker Spaniel mix
The shelter thinks I am about 3 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Aug 08, 2011. deleted 8/23/11
CEASAR - ID#A4318483-CARSON SHELTERMy name is Ceasar and I am described as a neutered male, tan Cocker Spaniel mix
The shelter thinks I am about 1 year and 6 months old.
I have been at the shelter since Jul 31, 2011.
Was turned in by owner because they are moving deleted 8/23/11
ID#A4318192-CARSON SHELTERI am described as a male, buff and white Cocker Spaniel
My age is unknown.
I have been at the shelter since Jul 30, 2011. deleted 8/23/11
ID#A4315644-CARSON SHELTERI am described as a male, black and white Cocker Spaniel mix
The shelter thinks I am about 2 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Jul 24, 2011. deleted 8/7/11
ID#A4313241-CARSON SHELTERI am described as a black and brown Cocker Spaniel mix
The shelter thinks I am about 5 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Jul 19, 2011 deleted 8/7/11
BLACK - ID#A4311036-CARSON SHELTERMy name is Black and I am described as a male, black English Cocker Spaniel mix
The shelter thinks I am about 2 years and 6 months old.
deleted 8/7/11
TAYKO - ID#A4312223My name is Tayko and I am described as a male, brown and white Cocker Spaniel mix
The shelter thinks I am about 9 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Jul 16, 2011. deleted 8/7/11
ID#A4312333-CARSON SHELTERI am described as a female, black and tan Cocker Spaniel mix
The shelter thinks I am about 7 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Jul 17, 2011 deleted 8/7/11
CHAPARA - ID#A4046410My name is Chapara and I am described as a spayed female, black Cocker Spaniel mix
The shelter thinks I am about 3 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Jun 27, 2011. deleted 7/26/11
ID#A4285075-CARSON SHELTERI am described as a male, white and tan Cocker Spaniel mix
The shelter thinks I am about 10 years old.
I have been at the shelter since May 27, 2011.
deleted 7/12/11
ID#A4291647-CARSON SHELTERI am described as a female, brown Cocker Spaniel mix
The shelter thinks I am about 3 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Jun 09, 2011.
This dog came in as a stray and is available now. deleted 7/3/11
ID#A4281499-CARSON SHELTERI am described as a female, black and white Cocker Spaniel mix
The shelter thinks I am about 5 years old.
I have been at the shelter since May 21, 2011. deleted 7/3/11
ID#A4285011-CARSON SHELTERI am described as a female, tan and cream Cocker Spaniel mix
The shelter thinks I am about 2 years old.
I have been at the shelter since May 27, 2011.
deleted 6/16/11
ID#A472901-CARSON SHELTERI am described as a female, black and gray Cocker Spaniel mix
The shelter thinks I am about 10 years old.
I have been at the shelter since May 05, 2011.
Came in as a stray with a microchip deleted 5/31/11
ID#A4274903-CARSON SHELTERI am described as a female, blonde Cocker Spaniel
The shelter thinks I am about 2 months old.
I have been at the shelter since May 09, 2011. deleted 5/17/11
KIDD - ID#A4273717-CARSON SHELTERMy name is Kidd and I am described as a male, tan Cocker Spaniel mix
The shelter thinks I am about 1 year old.
I have been at the shelter since May 06, 2011.
deleted 5/17/11
ZOE - ID#A4270605-CARSON SHELTERMy name is Zoe and I am described as a spayed female, white and black Cocker Spaniel mix
The shelter thinks I am about 4 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Apr 30, 2011 deleted 5/17/11
ID#A4266502-CARSON SHELTERI am described as a female, buff and brown Cocker Spaniel
The shelter thinks I am about 2 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Apr 20, 2011. deleted 5/6/11
ID#A4266495-CARSON SHELTERI am described as a female, buff and brown Cocker Spaniel
The shelter thinks I am about 2 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Apr 20, 2011. deleted 5/6/11
CHANEL - ID#A4258152-CARSON SHELTERMy name is Chanel and I am described as a female, white and brown Cocker Spaniel mix
The shelter thinks I am about 3 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Apr 01, 2011 deleted 5/6/11
MILEY - ID#A4258498-CARSON SHELTERMy name is Miley and I am described as a spayed female, gold Cocker Spaniel mix
The shelter thinks I am about 1 year and 11 months old.
I have been at the shelter since Apr 02, 2011 deleted 4/17/11
ID#A4254911-CARSON SHELTERI am described as a female, gold Cocker Spaniel mix
The shelter thinks I am about 2 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Mar 24, 2011 deleted 4/17/11
ID#A4253917-CARON SHELTERI am described as a male, brown Cocker Spaniel mix
The shelter thinks I am about 8 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Mar 22, 2011
came in as a stray and av on 3/27. Has a growth on her tail deleted 4/17/11
ID#A4252785I am described as a female, red and white Cocker Spaniel
The shelter thinks I am about 1 year old.
I have been at the shelter since Mar 17, 2011.
Came in as a stray and available on 3/22/11
Great with other dogs, has CTA on 3/23/11
2 year old-spayed female
owner turn in and available now deleted 3/30/11
ID#A4252110-I am described as a male, black Cocker Spaniel mix
My age is unknown.
I have been at the shelter since Mar 16, 2011
Came in as a stray, no health issues but seems very afraid in shelter deleted 3/23/11
ID#A4250000-CARSON SHELTERI am described as a male, black Cocker Spaniel mix
The shelter thinks I am about 2 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Mar 10, 2011
Came in as a stray and available now
deleted 3/23/11
ID#A4244530I am described as a male, black Cocker Spaniel mix
The shelter thinks I am about 1 year and 1 month old.
I have been at the shelter since Feb 23, 2011, came in as a stray and available now deleted 3/23/11
DAISY - ID#A4247037My name is Daisy and I am described as a female, tan Cocker Spaniel mix
The shelter thinks I am about 7 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Mar 02, 2011. deleted 3/17/11
ID#A4251300-CARSON SHELTERI am described as a male, tan and white Cocker Spaniel
My age is unknown.
I have been at the shelter since Mar 14, 2011 deleted 3/17/11 returned to owner
ID#A4243105I am described as a female, tan and white Cocker Spaniel mix
The shelter thinks I am about 2 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Feb 18, 2011, and will be available on 2/28/11 deleted 3/13/11
This one year old male was turned in by owner because he escapes from the yard and is available now, as of 2/10/11 The shelter also states that he is very aggressive. deleted 3/6/11
FIFI - ID#A4243314My name is Fifi and I am described as a male, black Cocker Spaniel mix
The shelter thinks I am about 11 years old. I was turned in by owners because of my illness, prostate cancer, ruptured pelvic ligament and a pelvic hernia.
I have been at the shelter since Feb 19, 2011. deleted 3/1/11
ID#A4226952I am described as a neutered male, black and white Cocker Spaniel mix. I am blind and was turned into the shelter by my owners.
The shelter thinks I am about 7 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Feb 05, 2011 and available for adoption deleted 2/28/11
This female, buff Cocker Spaniel is about 7 years old. She came to the shelter as a stray on Jan 30, 2011 and will be available for adoption on Feb. 3/11 deleted 2/28/11
This male, gold Cocker Spaniel mix is about 1 year old. He came to the shelter as a stray on Jan 27, 2011 and will be available for adoption on Feb. 2. deleted 2/28/11
This female, white and tan Cocker Spaniel is about 5 years old. She came to the shelter as a stray on Jan 31, 2011 and will be available for adoption on Feb. 4.
ID#A4234095This male, black Cocker Spaniel is about 1 year old. He came to the shelter as a stray on Jan 22, 2011 and will be available for adoption on Jan. 28. deleted 2/22/11
ID#A4238410I am described as a female, tan and white Cocker Spaniel mix
The shelter thinks I am about 2 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Feb 04, 2011, will be available on 2/11. deleted 2/20/11
ID#A4238952I am described as a male, buff Cocker Spaniel mix
The shelter thinks I am about 3 years old. Came in as a stray and will be available on 2/18. He has a small puncture wound on left ear which he is being treated for.
I have been at the shelter since Feb 06, 2011. deleted 2/19/11
This neutered male, tan and brown Cocker Spaniel is about 4 years old. He came to the shelter as a stray with a microchip on Jan 14, 2011, deleted 2/15/11
This female, black and white Cocker Spaniel is about 8 years old. She was surrendered by her owner on Nov 08, 2010. She gets along well with the other dogs in her kennel. She has until Dec. 1 to be adopted or she will be euthanized.
rescued by Camp Cocker 11/29/10 and renamed SadieID#A4209818
This male, black and white Cocker Spaniel - Miniature Poodle is about 4 years old. He has been at the shelter since Nov 05, 2010.
deleted 11/28/10
This male, gold Cocker Spaniel is about 2 years old. He came to the shelter as a stray on Nov 13, 2010 and will be available for adoption on Nov. 18.
deleted 11/28/10
This male, gold Cocker Spaniel is about 1 year and 3 months old. He came to the shelter as a stray on Nov 17, 2010.
deleted 11/28/10ID#A4201689
This female, tan Cocker Spaniel is about 12 years old. She was surrendered by her owner on Oct 18, 2010 because of her age. She is deaf and blind.
deleted 11/14/10 - euthanizedSIMBA - ID#A4206086
This male, apricot Cocker Spaniel is about 4 years old. He was turned in by his owners on Oct 28, 2010 because they have a new baby.
deleted 11/12/10 - adopted
This neutered male, black and white Cocker Spaniel is about 3 years old. He came to the shelter as a stray on Oct 01, 2010 and will be available for adoption on Oct. 8.
deleted 11/3/10
CASEY - ID#A4199056
This spayed female, black Cocker Spaniel is about 7 years old. She was surrendered by her owner on Oct 11, 2010.
deleted 11/3/10
This female, buff Cocker Spaniel is about 2 years old. She came to the shelter as a stray on 10/21/10.
adopted 10/28/10
ID#A4199690 This female, buff Cocker Spaniel is about 1 year old. She has been at the shelter since Oct 12, 2010.
deleted 10/29/10 - adopted
COOKIE - ID#A3707569
This female, gold and brown Cocker Spaniel is about 7 years old. She was surrendered by her owner on Sep 28, 2010 because her ears are badly infected.
deleted 10/15/10 - returned to owner (?)ID#A4192539
This female, tan and white Cocker Spaniel is about 9 months old. She and A4192538 were found in Redondo Beach and brought to the shelter on Sep 26, 2010. She will be available for adoption on October 1st.
deleted 10/15/10 - adoptedID#A4192538
This female, tan and white Cocker Spaniel is about 3 years old. She and A4192539 were found in Redondo Beach and brought to the shelter on Sep 26, 2010. She will be available for adoption on October 1st.
deleted 10/15/10 - adoptedID#A4185870
This male, buff Cocker Spaniel is about 1 year old. He came to the shelter as a stray on Sep 10, 2010 and will be available for adoption on Sept. 17.
deleted 9/28/10 - adoptedEBONY - ID#A4173987
This female, black Cocker Spaniel mix is about 10 years old. She has been at the shelter since Aug 17, 2010. Ebony was turned in by her owner because he felt she was "dull" and was not interested in much.
rescued by Camp Cocker 9/4/10
LUCKY - ID#A4174227
This male, brown Cocker Spaniel is about 3 years old. He has been at the shelter since Aug 18, 2010. Lucky's owner turned him in to the shelter because they were moving.
rescued by Camp Cocker 8/29/10 and renamed Ducky
PRINCE - ID#A4174397
This spayed female, white and gold Cocker Spaniel is about 14 years old. She has been at the shelter since Aug 18, 2010. Prince's owner turned her in to the shelter but did not give any reason.
rescued by Camp Cocker 8/29/10 and renamed MaisyID#A4168851
This female, buff Cocker Spaniel is about 2 years old. She has been at the shelter since Aug 06, 2010.
rescued by Camp Cocker 8/17/10 and named Laurel
This female, brown Cocker Spaniel is about 4 years old. She has been at the shelter since Aug 06, 2010.
rescued by Camp Cocker 8/17/10 and named Finn (he's a male)
CECE - ID#A3779907
This spayed female, tan and white Cocker Spaniel is about 3 years old. She has been at the shelter since Jul 30, 2010.
rescued by Camp Cocker 8/13/10 (renamed Gabriella)ID#A4168907
This female, cream and tan Cocker Spaniel mix puppy is about 4 months old. She has been at the shelter since Aug 06, 2010.
deleted 8/13/10
This female, white and brown Cocker Spaniel is about 2 years old. She has been at the shelter since Aug 01, 2010.
deleted 8/10/10
This male, white and red Cocker Spaniel is about 2 years old. He has been at the shelter since Jul 17, 2010.
rescued by Perfect Pet Rescue
This male, tan Cocker Spaniel mix is about 3 years old. He came into the shelter since Jun 05, 2010 and then returned on June 19, 2010.
deleted 7/22/10
This female, gray Cocker Spaniel mix is about 2 years old. She has been at the shelter since Jun 19, 2010.
deleted 7/22/10
LUCKY - ID#A4148324
This male, brown and tan Cocker Spaniel mix is about 2 years old. He has been at the shelter since Jun 26, 2010.
deleted 7/22/10
BROWNEY - ID#A3664993
This spayed female, buff Cocker Spaniel is about 12 years old. She has been at the shelter since Jun 25, 2010.
deleted 7/22/10
KOKO - ID#A4153134
This male, chocolate and brown Cocker Spaniel - Toy Poodle mix is about 5 years old. He has been at the shelter since Jul 04, 2010.
deleted 7/22/10
This male, tan Cocker Spaniel mix is about 11 years old. He has been at the shelter since Jul 06, 2010.
deleted 7/22/10
This female, white and brown Cocker Spaniel mix is about 2 years old. She has been at the shelter since Jul 17, 2010.
deleted 7/22/10
KIPPER - ID#A4133457
This male, blonde Cocker Spaniel mix is about 3 years old. He has been at the shelter since May 29, 2010.
deleted 6/21/10
This neutered male, tan and white Cocker Spaniel mix is about 1 year old. He has been at the shelter since Apr 13, 2010.
deleted 5/29/10
This male, tan and white Cocker Spaniel mix has been at the shelter since May 09, 2010.
rescued by Camp Cocker & Angels Under Our Wings Cocker Rescue and adopted 5/29/10!
This male, gold Cocker Spaniel mix is about 3 years old. He has been at the shelter since May 20, 2010.
deleted 5/29/10NERON - ID#A4117398
This neutered male, black Cocker Spaniel mix is about 10 years old. He has been at the shelter since Apr 29, 2010.
deleted 5/12/10
[no photo yet]
LUCKY - ID#A1469296
This male, brown Cocker Spaniel is about 18 years old.
deleted 5/12/10
This female, black and brown Cocker Spaniel mix is about 9 months old. She has been at the shelter since Apr 26, 2010.
deleted 5/5/10
This male, gold and tan Cocker Spaniel mix is about 5 years old. He has been at the shelter since Mar 31, 2010.
deleted 4/18/10
This male, tan Cocker Spaniel - Terrier mix puppy is about 6 months old. He has been at the shelter since Mar 31, 2010.
deleted 4/7/10
JESSIE - ID#A4102552
This female, blonde Cocker Spaniel mix is about 5 years old. She has been at the shelter since Mar 27, 2010.
deleted 4/7/10ID#A4098789
This male, blonde and white Cocker Spaniel mix puppy is about 5 months old. He has been at the shelter since Mar 29, 2010.
deleted 4/7/10
This male, black Cocker Spaniel - Miniature Poodle mix has been at the shelter since Mar 30, 2010.
deleted 4/7/10
CHARLEY - ID#A3536127
This male, tan Cocker Spaniel has been at the shelter since Mar 03, 2010.
3/26/10 rescued by San Diego Spaniel Rescue ... 904?ref=ts
This male, blonde and white Cocker Spaniel mix puppy is about 5 months old. He has been at the shelter since Mar 18, 2010.
deleted 3/27/10ID#A4094804
This male, brown Cocker Spaniel mix is about 2 years old. He has been at the shelter since Mar 09, 2010.
deleted 3/20/10
FLUFFY - ID#A3961770
This neutered male, gold Cocker Spaniel is about 3 years old. He has been at the shelter since Mar 12, 2010.
deleted 3/20/10
This female, tan and blonde Cocker Spaniel mix is about 7 years old. She has been at the shelter since Mar 05, 2010.
deleted 3/12/10SPANKY - ID#A4086180
This neutered male, tan and white Cocker Spaniel mix is about 2 years old. He has been at the shelter since Feb 11, 2010.
deleted 3/12/10
ID#A4090560 This female, white and tan Cocker Spaniel mix is about 7 years old. She has been at the shelter since Feb 25, 2010.
deleted 3/12/10
ID#A4090362 This female, tan and white Cocker Spaniel mix is about 3 years old. She has been at the shelter since Feb 25, 2010.
deleted 3/5/10D#A4085229
This male, tan and white Cocker Spaniel mix is about 1 year old. He has been at the shelter since Feb 09, 2010.
deleted 3/5/10
This male, gold Cocker Spaniel mix is about 1 year old. He has been at the shelter since Feb 19, 2010.
deleted 2/25/10
This female, blonde and tan Cocker Spaniel mix is about 2 years old. She has been at the shelter since Feb 06, 2010.
deleted 2/25/10
This female, cream Cocker Spaniel mix is about 7 years old. She has been at the shelter since Feb 06, 2010.
deleted 2/25/10
SANDY - ID#A4084729
This female, buff Cocker Spaniel - Golden Retriever mix is about 12 years old. She has been at the shelter since Feb 08, 2010.
deleted 2/25/10

ID#A4078150This female, black Cocker Spaniel mix puppy is about 8 months old. She has been at the shelter since Jan 16, 2010.
deleted 1/28/10
This male, tricolor Cocker Spaniel mix is about 1 year old. He has been at the shelter since Jan 19, 2010.
deleted 1/28/10ID#A4079024
This male, buff and white Cocker Spaniel - Toy Poodle mix is about 1 year old. He has been at the shelter since Jan 20, 2010.
deleted 1/23/10
This male, brown Cocker Spaniel mix is about 2 years old. He has been at the shelter since Jan 11, 2010.
deleted 1/17/10
[no photo]
ID#A4077456This male, buff Cocker Spaniel mix is about 4 years old. He has been at the shelter since Jan 14, 2010.
deleted 1/17/10





deleted 1/13/10
ID#A4074112This cream Cocker Spaniel mix is about 2 years old and has been at the shelter since Jan 05, 2010.
deleted 1/13/10
ID#A4059702This male, black and red Spaniel and Dachshund is about 1 year and 1 month old. He has been at the shelter since Nov 17, 2009.
deleted 12/31/09
ID#A4062729This female, gold Cocker Spaniel mix is about 2 years old. She has been at the shelter since Nov 25, 2009.
rescued by Camp Cocker 12/29/09 & named Misty!
see her photos here
This female, tan Cocker Spaniel mix is about 1 year old. She has been at the shelter since Dec 11, 2009.
deleted 12/31/09ID#A4071321This female, black and white Cocker Spaniel mix is about 4 years old. She has been at the shelter since Dec 23, 2009.
rescued by Camp Cocker 12/29/09 & named Sherlock Holmes (he's a male)!
see his photos here
MAX - ID#A4071199MAX is a male, brown and black Cocker Spaniel and Chow Chow. He is about 15 years old. Max has been at the shelter since Dec 23, 2009.
deleted 12/23/09
ID#A3458269This neutered male, tan Cocker Spaniel is about 8 years old. He has been at the shelter since Nov 12, 2009.
deleted 12/23/09
This female, black and tan Cocker Spaniel mix is about 2 years and 1 month old. She has been at the shelter since Nov 28, 2009.
deleted 12/22/09
ID#A4063725This neutered male, tan Cocker Spaniel mix is about 3 years old. He arrived at the shelter on Nov 30, 2009. He apparently left the shelter around Dec. 9 and returned on Dec. 12, 2009.
deleted 12/22/09
This male, white Cocker Spaniel mix is about 1 year old. He has been at the shelter since Dec 13, 2009.
deleted 12/22/09
SOCKS - ID#A4057599SOCKS is a neutered male, tan Cocker Spaniel and Terrier. He is about 1 year old. Socks has been at the shelter since Nov 11, 2009.
deleted 12/22/09
BOMBON - ID#A4067820BOMBON is a male, brown Cocker Spaniel and Miniature Poodle. He is about 2 years and 10 months old. Bombon has been at the shelter since Dec 12, 2009.
deleted 12/16/09
CARAMEL - ID#A4067667CARAMEL is a female, tan and white Spaniel mix. She is about 14 years old. Caramel has been at the shelter since Dec 11, 2009.
deleted 12/15/09
This male, black and brown Spaniel mix is about 2 years and 7 months old. He has been at the shelter since Nov 24, 2009.
deleted 12/11/09
ID#A4037774This neutered male, brown and white Spaniel mix is about 2 years and 3 months old. He has been at the shelter since Sep 24, 2009.
deleted 12/9/09
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