ID#A425988-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTER-I am a male, black and tan Cocker Spaniel mix. The shelter staff think I am about 4 months old. I have been at the shelter since May 12, 2012 deleted 6/9/12 ID#A425872-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTER-I am a The shelter staff think I am about 1 year old. I have been at the shelter since May 10, 2012. deleted 5/30/12 The shelter staff think I am about 2 years old. I have been at the shelter since May 13, 2012. deleted 5/24/12 ID#A425993-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTER-I am a The shelter staff think I am about 10 years old. I have been at the shelter since May 12, 2012. deleted 5/24/12 ID#A424556-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTER-I am a female, black and white Cocker Spaniel mix. The shelter staff think I am about 1 year old. I have been at the shelter since Apr 18, 2012 deleted 5/14/12 ID#A423187-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTER-I am a female, brown and white Cocker Spaniel and Poodle - Miniature. The shelter staff think I am about 3 years old. I have been at the shelter since Mar 23, 2012. deleted 4/13/12 ID#A422673-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTER-I am a male, buff Cocker Spaniel. The shelter staff think I am about 2 years old. I have been at the shelter since Mar 13, 2012. deleted 4/3/12 ID#A420378 - SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a male, brown Cocker Spaniel. The shelter staff think I am about 8 years old. I have been at the shelter since Jan 29, 2012 deleted 3/13/12 ALFIE - ID#A421005-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTER - My name is ALFIE. I am a male, white and tan Cocker Spaniel. The shelter staff think I am about 2 years old. I have been at the shelter since Feb 10, 2012. Owner turn in deleted 3/13/12 ID#A421620-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a female, red Cocker Spaniel mix. My age is unknown. I have been at the shelter since Feb 22, 2012. deleted 3/13/12
ID#A419484-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a male, tan and white Cocker Spaniel.
My age is unknown.
I have been at the shelter since Jan 13, 2012. deleted 2/7/12
ID#A420221 - SAN BERNARDINO SHELTER -I am a female, tricolor Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter staff think I am about 2 years old.I have been at the shelter since Jan 26, 2012. deleted 2/7/12
ID#A420227- SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a neutered male, red Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter staff think I am about 3 years old. I have been at the shelter since Jan 26, 2012. deleted 2/7/12 ID#A418205-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a male, tan Cocker Spaniel. The shelter staff think I am about 10 months old. I have been at the shelter since Dec 14, 2011. deleted 1/1/12 ID#A418041-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a male, brown Cocker Spaniel mix. The shelter staff think I am about 2 years old. I have been at the shelter since Dec 09, 2011. deleted 1/1/12 ID#A417834-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a female, brown Cocker Spaniel. The shelter staff think I am about 1 year old. I have been at the shelter since Dec 05, 2011. deleted 1/1/12 ID#A417462-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a neutered male, buff Cocker Spaniel. The shelter staff think I am about 1 year and 6 months old. I have been at the shelter since Nov 28, 2011. deleted 12/20/11 ID#A417501-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a female, white and red Cocker Spaniel. My age is unknown. I have been at the shelter since Nov 28, 2011. deleted 12/15/11 ID#A417181-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a female, buff Cocker Spaniel. The shelter staff think I am about 2 years old. I have been at the shelter since Nov 21, 2011. deleted 12/15/11 ID#A417189-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a male, blonde Cocker Spaniel and Dachshund - Longhaired. My age is unknown. I have been at the shelter since Nov 21, 2011. deleted 12/15/11 ID#A416906-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a female, brown Cocker Spaniel. My age is unknown. I have been at the shelter since Nov 16, 2011. deleted 12/6/11 ID#A416907-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a female, brown Cocker Spaniel. My age is unknown. I have been at the shelter since Nov 16, 2011. deleted 12/6/11 ID#A416561-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a male, buff Cocker Spaniel. The shelter staff think I am about 6 months old. I have been at the shelter since Nov 09, 2011. deleted 11/27/11 ID#A416175-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a female, buff Cocker Spaniel. The shelter staff think I am about 1 year old. I have been at the shelter since Nov 03,2011. deleted 10/20/11 ID#A415977-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a male, buff Cocker Spaniel. The shelter staff think I am about 5 years old. I have been at the shelter since Oct 31, 2011. deleted 11/15/11 ID#A415979-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a female, buff Cocker Spaniel. The shelter staff think I am about 5 years old. I have been at the shelter since Oct 31, 2011 deleted 11/15/11 ID#A415724-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a neutered male, black Cocker Spaniel and Poodle - Miniature. The shelter staff think I am about 5 years old. I have been at the shelter since Oct 26, 2011. deleted 11/15/11 ID#A415758-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a female, buff Cocker Spaniel. The shelter staff think I am about 1 year old. I have been at the shelter since Oct 26, 2011. deleted 11/15/11 ID#A415368-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a female, brown Cocker Spaniel. My age is unknown. I have been at the shelter since Oct 20, 2011. deleted 11/6/11 ID#A414724-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a neutered male, black Cocker Spaniel. The shelter staff think I am about 5 years old. I have been at the shelter since Oct 09, 2011. deleted 10/26/11 ID#A414668-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a male, tan Cocker Spaniel. My age is unknown. I have been at the shelter since Oct 08, 2011. deleted 10/26/11 ID#A414706-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a male, tan Cocker Spaniel. The shelter staff think I am about 4 years old. I have been at the shelter since Oct 08, 2011. deleted 10/26/11 ID#A414611-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a male, tan Cocker Spaniel. The shelter staff think I am about 2 years old. I have been at the shelter since Oct 07, 2011. deleted 10/21/11 ID#A414486-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a male, buff and white Cocker Spaniel. The shelter staff think I am about 1 year old. I have been at the shelter since Oct 05, 2011. deleted 10/21/11 ID#A414447-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a male, black and brown Cocker Spaniel. My age is unknown. I have been at the shelter since Oct 05, 2011. deleted 10/21/11 ID#A414403-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a female, brown Cocker Spaniel. The shelter staff think I am about 2 years old. I have been at the shelter since Oct 04, 2011. deleted 10/18/11 WOODY - ID#A414249-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERMy name is WOODY. I am a male, white and tan Cocker Spaniel. The shelter staff think I am about 10 months old. I have been at the shelter since Sep 30, 2011. deleted 10/18/11 ID#A414316-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a female, red Cocker Spaniel. The shelter staff think I am about 4 years old. I have been at the shelter since Oct 02, 2011. deleted 10/18/11 ID#A413922-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a male, buff Cocker Spaniel. My age is unknown. I have been at the shelter since Sep 26, 2011 deleted 10/18/11 ID#A413576-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a male, brown Cocker Spaniel. My age is unknown. I have been at the shelter since Sep 20, 2011 deleted 10/4/11 ID#A413262-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a female, black Cocker Spaniel. The shelter staff think I am about 5 years old. I have been at the shelter since Sep 14, 2011 deleted 10/2/11 ID#A412973-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERMy name is HACHI. I am a male, white and brown Cocker Spaniel My age is unknown. I have been at the shelter since Sep 10, 2011 deleted 10/2/11 ID#A412974-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERMy name is COOKIE. I am a female, brown Cocker Spaniel. My age is unknown. I have been at the shelter since Sep 10, 2011 deleted 10/2/11 ID#A412902-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a female, white and tan Cocker Spaniel mix. The shelter staff think I am about 2 years old. I have been at the shelter since Sep 09, 2011. deleted 9/27/11 ID#A412960-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a male, buff Cocker Spaniel. My age is unknown. I have been at the shelter since Sep 09, 2011. deleted 9/27/11 ID#A412803-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a female, blonde Cocker Spaniel. The shelter staff think I am about 2 years old. I have been at the shelter since Sep 07, 2011. deleted 9/27/11 ID#A402444-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a neutered male, brown Cocker Spaniel mix. The shelter staff think I am about 1 year and 11 months old. I have been at the shelter since Sep 08, 2011. deleted 9/20/11 ID#A412570-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a male, black Cocker Spaniel. The shelter staff think I am about 2 years old. I have been at the shelter since Sep 02, 2011. deleted 9/20/11 ID#A412239-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a female, tan Cocker Spaniel. My age is unknown. I have been at the shelter since Aug 30, 2011. deleted 9/20/2011 ID#A411645-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a male, brown Cocker Spaniel mix. The shelter staff think I am about 7 years old. I have been at the shelter since Aug 19, 2011 deleted 9/6/11 ID#A900344-RIVERSIDE SHELTER I am a male, red and white Cocker Spaniel mix. The shelter staff think I am about 1 year and 5 months old. I have been at the shelter since Aug 30, 2011. deleted 9/6/11 ID#A410687-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a female, black Cocker Spaniel. The shelter staff think I am about 10 months old. I have been at the shelter since Aug 04, 2011. deleted 8/23/11 ID#A410382-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a male, black Cocker Spaniel mix. The shelter staff think I am about 4 years old. I have been at the shelter since Jul 30, 2011. deleted 8/23/11 ID#A409873-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a male, brown Cocker Spaniel. My age is unknown. I have been at the shelter since Jul 22, 2011. deleted 8/16/11 ID#A500805-DEVORE SHELTERI am a female, black and white Cocker Spaniel. The shelter staff think I am about 3 months old. I have been at the shelter since Aug 02, 2011 deleted 8/7/11 ID#A499808-DEVORE SHELTERI am a female, red Cocker Spaniel. The shelter staff think I am about 1 year old. I have been at the shelter since Jul 22, 2011. deleted 8/7/11 ID#A499760-DEVORE SHELTERI am a female, black and white Spaniel mix. The shelter staff think I am about 7 months old. I have been at the shelter since Jul 22, 2011. deleted 8/7/11 ID#A409417-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a female, brown Cocker Spaniel. The shelter staff think I am about 1 year old. I have been at the shelter since Jul 17, 2011. deleted 8/7/11 ID#A408364-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a female, black Cocker Spaniel mix. My age is unknown. I have been at the shelter since Jul 02, 2011. deleted 8/7/11 ID#A408298-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a male, black Cocker Spaniel mix. My age is unknown. I have been at the shelter since Jul 01, 2011. deleted 8/7/11 ID#A408300-San Bernardino ShelterI am a female, tan Cocker Spaniel mix. My age is unknown. I have been at the shelter since Jul 01, 2011. deleted 8/7/11 MANNY - ID#A408243-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERMy name is MANNY. I am a male, white and tan Cocker Spaniel. The shelter staff think I am about 1 year and 1 month old. I have been at the shelter since Jun 30, 2011. deleted 8/7/11 ID#A397276-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a male, yellow Cocker Spaniel. The shelter staff think I am about 1 year and 6 months old. I have been at the shelter since Jun 28, 2011. deleted 8/7/11 ID#A407190-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a female, blonde Cocker Spaniel mix. My age is unknown. I have been at the shelter since Jun 15, 2011. deleted 8/7/11 ID#A408787-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a male, brown and tan Cocker Spaniel mix. The shelter staff think I am about 1 year old. I have been at the shelter since Jul 08, 2011. deleted 7/26/11 ID#A408686-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a female, tan and white Cocker Spaniel. My age is unknown. I have been at the shelter since Jul 07, 2011. deleted 7/26/11 ID#A408530-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a male, white and black Cocker Spaniel. The shelter staff think I am about 2 years old. I have been at the shelter since Jul 05, 2011. deleted 7/26/11 ID#A406849-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a male, white and tan Cocker Spaniel mix. My age is unknown. I have been at the shelter since Jun 10, 2011. deleted 7/26/11 ID#A497416-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a female, buff Cocker Spaniel. The shelter staff think I am about 4 years old. I have been at the shelter since Jul 01, 2011. deleted 7/12/11 ID#A407098-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a female, tan Cocker Spaniel. The shelter staff think I am about 3 months old. I have been at the shelter since Jun 14, 2011. deleted 7/3/11 ID#A406890-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a female, tan and white Cocker Spaniel. The shelter staff think I am about 8 months old. I have been at the shelter since Jun 11, 2011. deleted 7/3/11 ID#A406459-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a male, red Cocker Spaniel. My age is unknown I have been at the shelter since Jun 04, 2011. deleted 6/21/11 ID#A406227-SAN BERNARDINOI am a female, black and white Cocker Spaniel mix. The shelter staff think I am about 8 years old. I have been at the shelter since Jun 02, 2011. deleted 6/21/11 ID#A406343-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a female, black and white Cocker Spaniel. The shelter staff think I am about 6 months old. I have been at the shelter since Jun 03, 2011. deleted 6/21/11 ID#A406073-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a female, tan Cocker Spaniel. The shelter staff think I am about 3 years old. I have been at the shelter since May 31, 2011 deleted 6/21/11 ID#A405708-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a female, buff Cocker Spaniel. The shelter staff think I am about 3 years old. I have been at the shelter since May 24, 2011. deleted 6/21/11 ID#A404285-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a female, red and tan Cocker Spaniel. The shelter staff think I am about 2 years old. I have been at the shelter since May 02, 2011. deleted 6/21/11 ID#A40491-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a male, white Cocker Spaniel mix. The shelter staff think I am about 1 year old. I have been at the shelter since May 12, 2011. deleted 6/11/11 ID#A403880-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a female, white and brown Cocker Spaniel and Poodle - Miniature. The shelter staff think I am about 2 months old. I have been at the shelter since Apr 26, 2011 deleted 5/7/11 ID#A404890-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a female, white and tan Cocker Spaniel mix. The shelter staff think I am about 2 years old. I have been at the shelter since May 11, 2011. deleted 6/3/11 ID#A404533-SANBERNARDINO SHELTERI am a male, black and white Cocker Spaniel mix. The shelter staff think I am about 2 years old. I have been at the shelter since May 05, 2011. deleted 6/3/11 ID#A405292-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a female, buff Cocker Spaniel. The shelter staff think I am about 1 year old. I have been at the shelter since May 18, 2011. deleted 5/29/11 ID#A403971-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a female, buff Cocker Spaniel mix. The shelter staff think I am about 1 year old. I have been at the shelter since Apr 27, 2011. deleted 5/17/11 ID#A403909-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a female, white Cocker Spaniel mix. The shelter staff think I am about 3 months old. I have been at the shelter since Apr 26, 2011 deleted 5/13/11 THOMAS - ID#A403769-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERMy name is THOMAS. I am a male, black Cocker Spaniel mix. The shelter staff think I am about 1 year and 6 months old. I have been at the shelter since Apr 23, 2011 deleted 5/10/11 ID#A403222-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a female, brown Cocker Spaniel mix. The shelter staff think I am about 1 year old. I have been at the shelter since Apr 14, 2011. deleted 5/10/11 ID# A403062-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a male, cream and chocolate Cocker Spaniel mix. The shelter staff think I am about 7 months old. I have been at the shelter since Apr 11, 2011. deleted 5/10/11 ID#A403548-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a male, white and brown Cocker Spaniel. The shelter staff think I am about 2 years old. I have been at the shelter since Apr 19, 2011. deleted 5/6/11 ID#A403494-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a female, buff Cocker Spaniel. The shelter staff think I am about 1 year old. I have been at the shelter since Apr 19, 2011. deleted 5/6/11 ID#A403372-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a male, brown Cocker Spaniel. The shelter staff think I am about 5 years old. I have been at the shelter since Apr 16, 2011. deleted 4/29/11 ID#A489532-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a female, chocolate Sussex Spaniel mix. The shelter staff think I am about 15 years old. I have been at the shelter since Apr 13, 2011. deleted 4/24/11 This DOG - ID#A403061-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a male, brown Cocker Spaniel. The shelter staff think I am about 2 years old. I have been at the shelter since Apr 11, 2011. deleted 4/24/11 ID#A402444-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTERI am a male, brown Cocker Spaniel mix. The shelter staff think I am about 3 years old. I have been at the shelter since Mar 30, 2011. deleted 4/17/11 ID#A402085My name is ANGEL. I am a female, buff Cocker Spaniel. The shelter staff think I am about 2 years old. I have been at the shelter since Mar 24, 2011-SAN BERNARDINO SHELTER deleted 4/17/11 ID#A401352I am a male, red Cocker Spaniel mix. My age is unknown. I have been at the shelter since Mar 10, 2011 deleted 4/8/11 ID#A401393I am a female, buff Cocker Spaniel. The shelter staff think I am about 8 months old. I have been at the shelter since Mar 11, 2011. deleted 4/8/11 ID#A401117I am a male, tan Cocker Spaniel mix. The shelter staff think I am about 4 years old. I have been at the shelter since Mar 07, 2011. deleted 4/8/11 ID#A400626I am a male, brown and tan Cocker Spaniel mix. The shelter staff think I am about 2 years old. I have been at the shelter since Feb 24, 2011. deleted 3/17/11 ID#A400558I am a male, red and cream Cocker Spaniel. The shelter staff think I am about 1 year old. I have been at the shelter since Feb 23, 2011. deleted 3/17/11 ID#A399640 This male, brown Cocker Spaniel is about 5 years old. He has been at the shelter since Feb 04, 2011. deleted 3/17/11 ID#A398881 This female, red and white Cocker Spaniel mix has been at the shelter since Jan 21, 2011. deleted 2/15/11 ID#A398386 This female, buff Cocker Spaniel is about 1 year old. She has been at the shelter since Jan 13, 2011. deleted 1/24/11 ID#A398681 This female, black and tan Cocker Spaniel is about 1 year old. She has been at the shelter since Jan 18, 2011. deleted 1/24/11 ID#A397947 This male, cream Cocker Spaniel is about 1 year old. He has been at the shelter since Jan 05, 2011. deleted 1/19/11 - rescued by HEAL (Helping Every Animal League) ![]() ID#A398272 This female, black Cocker Spaniel is about 3 years old. She has been at the shelter since Jan 11, 2011. deleted 1/19/11 ID#A397382 This male, red Cocker Spaniel puppy is about 3 months old. He has been at the shelter since Dec 21, 2010. deleted 1/7/11 ID#A397402 This female, black Cocker Spaniel is about 2 years old. She has been at the shelter since Dec 22, 2010. deleted 1/7/11 ID#A397489 This male, blonde Cocker Spaniel is about 7 months old. He has been at the shelter since Dec 23, 2010. deleted 1/7/11 ID#A286447 This neutered male, black English Cocker Spaniel is about 7 years old. He has been at the shelter since Nov 30, 2010. deleted 12/22/10ID#A396567 This female, tan Cocker Spaniel has been at the shelter since Dec 03, 2010. deleted 12/22/10 ID#A396034 This male, black Cocker Spaniel is about 2 years old. He has been at the shelter since Nov 20, 2010. deleted 12/10/10 ID#A396241 This male, red and brown Cocker Spaniel is about 1 year old. He has been at the shelter since Nov 26, 2010. deleted 12/10/10 ID#A396240 This male, red and tan Cocker Spaniel is about 1 year old. He has been at the shelter since Nov 26, 2010. deleted 12/10/10 ID#A396353 This male, black Cocker Spaniel has been at the shelter since Nov 30, 2010. deleted 12/10/10ID#A395241 This male, black and white Cocker Spaniel is about 1 year old. He has been at the shelter since Nov 05, 2010. deleted 11/28/10 ID#A395516 This male, tan Cocker Spaniel has been at the shelter since Nov 12, 2010. deleted 11/28/10 ID#A393140 This female, white and buff Cocker Spaniel has been at the shelter since Oct 05, 2010. deleted 11/13/10 ID#A393897 This male, tan Cocker Spaniel is about 1 year old. He has been at the shelter since Oct 14, 2010. deleted 11/13/10 ID#A394645 This male, black and white Cocker Spaniel is about 4 years old. He has been at the shelter since Oct 26, 2010. deleted 11/13/10 ID#A395171 This male, buff Cocker Spaniel has been at the shelter since Nov 04, 2010. deleted 11/13/10 ID#A393640 This male, black Cocker Spaniel is about 6 months old. He has been at the shelter since Oct 12, 2010. deleted 10/30/10 HOLLY - ID#A393117 This spayed female, buff Cocker Spaniel has been at the shelter since Oct 05, 2010. deleted 10/30/10 ID#A391448 This female, red Cocker Spaniel and Longhaired Dachshund mix is about 3 years old. She has been at the shelter since Sep 07, 2010. deleted 10/4/10 ID#A391850 This female, black Cocker Spaniel mix is about 3 years old. She has been at the shelter since Sep 14, 2010. deleted 10/4/10 LADY - ID#A265112 This spayed female, gold Cocker Spaniel is about 12 years old. She has been at the shelter since Sep 15, 2010. deleted 10/4/10 ID#A392051 This male, cream Cocker Spaniel mix has been at the shelter since Sep 16, 2010. deleted 10/4/10 ID#A392410 This female, black Cocker Spaniel mix puppy is about 2 months old. She has been at the shelter since Sep 22, 2010. deleted 10/4/10 ![]() ID#A384112 This male, black and white Cocker Spaniel is about 5 years old. He has been at the shelter since May 21, 2010. deleted 9/19/10 PELUSA - ID#A390425 This female, black Cocker Spaniel is about 1 year old. She has been at the shelter since Aug 24, 2010. deleted 9/19/10 ID#A385953 This male, black Cocker Spaniel is about 1 year old. He has been at the shelter since Jun 18, 2010. deleted 7/27/10 ID#A386372 This male, black Cocker Spaniel has been at the shelter since Jun 25, 2010. deleted 7/27/10[no photo] ID#A387391 This neutered male, blonde Cocker Spaniel is about 11 years old. He has been at the shelter since Jul 11, 2010. deleted 7/23/10ID#A814860 This female, buff Cocker Spaniel is about 3 years old. She has been at the shelter since Jun 24, 2010. deleted 7/14/10 ID#A385525 This male, tan Cocker Spaniel mix has been at the shelter since Jun 11, 2010. deleted 7/14/10ID#A383989 This tan Cocker Spaniel is about 8 years old and has been at the shelter since May 19, 2010. deleted 7/14/10 ID#A386426 This male, tan and white Cocker Spaniel mix is about 1 year old. He has been at the shelter since Jun 26, 2010. deleted 7/14/10 ID#A386472 This male, black Cocker Spaniel mix is about 1 year old. He has been at the shelter since Jun 26, 2010. deleted 7/14/10 ID#A384593 This male, black and white Cocker Spaniel has been at the shelter since May 28, 2010. deleted 6/19/10ID#A383773 This neutered male, black and white Cocker Spaniel has been at the shelter since May 15, 2010. deleted 5/29/10 ID#A381992 This neutered male, blonde Cocker Spaniel has been at the shelter since Apr 13, 2010. deleted 5/20/10 CECIL - ID#A382779 This neutered male, chocolate Cocker Spaniel is about 1 year and 1 month old. He has been at the shelter since Apr 28, 2010. deleted 5/20/10 rescued by San Diego Spaniel Rescue MAGGIE - ID#A382780 This female, chocolate Cocker Spaniel is about 1 year and 1 month old. She has been at the shelter since Apr 28, 2010. deleted 5/20/10 rescued by San Diego Spaniel Rescue[no photo yet] ID#A382096 This male, buff Cocker Spaniel is about 4 years old. He has been at the shelter since Apr 14, 2010. deleted 5/7/10 ID#A381677 This male, brown Cocker Spaniel puppy is about 6 months old. He has been at the shelter since Apr 06, 2010. deleted 5/7/10 ID#A382819 This male, white Cocker Spaniel - Miniature Poodle mix is about 6 years old. He has been at the shelter since Apr 28, 2010. deleted 5/7/10ID#A381163 This male, black Cocker Spaniel mix is about 1 year old. He has been at the shelter since Mar 26, 2010.deleted 5/7/10 ID#A381534 This female, blonde Cocker Spaniel has been at the shelter since Apr 02, 2010. deleted 5/7/10 MAX - ID#A381009 This male, red Cocker Spaniel mix is about 5 years old. He has been at the shelter since Mar 23, 2010. deleted 3/28/10 |
This female, white and brown Cocker Spaniel mix has been at the shelter since Dec 08, 2009.
deleted 12/18/09LICORICE - ID#A376609
Licorice is a female, black Cocker Spaniel mix. She is about 2 years old. Licorice has been at the shelter since Dec 02, 2009.
deleted 12/12/09
M - ID#A376622M is a male, blonde Cocker Spaniel mix. He is about 1 year old. M has been at the shelter since Dec 02, 2009.
deleted 12/12/09#A375850
This male, tricolor Cocker Spaniel mix has been at the shelter since Nov 13, 2009.
deleted 12/8/009
RED - ID#A375235RED is a neutered male, red Cocker Spaniel. He is about 3 years old. Red has been at the shelter since Nov 24, 2009.
rescued by Camp Cocker 12/8/09 and renamed Wyatt!
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