I am a male, white and tan Cocker Spaniel mix.
My age is unknown.
I have been at the shelter since May 26, 2012 deleted 6/9/12
ID#A896733-BAKERSFIELD SHELTER-I am a female,
The shelter staff think I am about 5 years old.
I have been at the shelter since May 25, 2012. deleted 6/9/12
The shelter staff think I am about 2 years old.
I have been at the shelter since May 02, 2012 deleted 5/24/12
ID#A893384-BAKERSFIELD SHELTER-I am a male, tan Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter staff think I am about 1 year and 6 months old.
I have been at the shelter since May 02, 2012 deleted 5/14/12
ID#A893526-BAKERSFIELD SHELTER-I am a female, gold Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter staff think I am about 3 years old.
I have been at the shelter since May 03, 2012 deleted 5/14/12
ID#A893607-BAKERSFIELD SHELTER-I am a male, tan and white Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter staff think I am about 4 months old.
I have been at the shelter since May 03, 2012 deleted 5/14/12
ID#A894379-BAKERSFIELD SHELTER-I am a female, tan Cocker Spaniel mix.
The shelter staff think I am about 2 months old.
I have been at the shelter since May 09, 2012 deleted 5/14/12
ID#A894378-BAKERSFIELD SHELTER-I am a female, tan Cocker Spaniel mix.
The shelter staff think I am about 2 months old.
I have been at the shelter since May 09, 2012 deleted 5/14/12
ID#A894381-BAKERSFIELD SHELTER-I am a female, tan Cocker Spaniel mix.
The shelter staff think I am about 2 months old.
I have been at the shelter since May 09, 2012 deleted 5/14/12
ID#A894384-BAKERSFIELD SHELTER-I am a female, tan Cocker Spaniel mix.
The shelter staff think I am about 2 months old.
I have been at the shelter since May 09, 2012 deleted 5/14/12
ID#A890768-BAKERSFIELD SHELTER-I am a female, blonde Cocker Spaniel mix.
The shelter staff think I am about 4 months old.
I have been at the shelter since Apr 10, 2012 deleted 4/28/12
ID#A890763-BAKERSFIELD SHELTER-I am a female, gold Cocker Spaniel mix.
The shelter staff think I am about 2 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Apr 10, 2012. deleted 4/28/12
ID#A888659-BAKERSFIELD SHELTER-I am a male, parti and white Cocker Spaniel.
My age is unknown.
I have been at the shelter since Mar 21, 2012. deleted 4/3/12
ID#A887734-BAKERSFIELD SHELTER-I am a male, black and white Cocker Spaniel mix.
The shelter staff think I am about 3 months old.
I have been at the shelter since Mar 13, 2012 deleted 3/21/12
ID#A887705-BAKERSFIELD SHELTER-I am a female, black and brown Cocker Spaniel mix.
The shelter staff think I am about 3 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Mar 12, 2012. deleted 3/21/12
ID#A885120- BAKERSFIELD SHELTER-I am a female, black and white Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter staff think I am about 1 year old.
I have been at the shelter since Feb 15, 2012. deleted 2/19/12
ID#A884428-BAKERSFIELD SHELTER-I am a female, black Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter staff think I am about 3 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Feb 08, 2012. deleted 2/19/12
ID#A882497-BAKERSFIELD SHELTER - I am a female, buff Cocker Spaniel.
My age is unknown.
I have been at the shelter since Jan 19, 2012. deleted 2/19/12
ID#A883350 - BAKERSFIELD SHELTER - I am a male, brown Cocker Spaniel.
My age is unknown.
I have been at the shelter since Jan 27, 2012. deleted 2/7/12
ID#A878478-BAKERSFIELD SHELTERI am a male, black and brown Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter staff think I am about 3 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Dec 08, 2011. deleted 12/20/11
ID#A876189-BAKERSFIELD SHELTERI am a female, black Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter staff think I am about 2 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Nov 16, 2011. deleted 11/27/11
ID#A876191-BAKERSFIELD SHELTERI am a male, brown Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter staff think I am about 2 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Nov 16, 2011. deleted 11/27/11
ID#A874621-BAKERSFIELD SHELTERI am a male, brown Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter staff think I am about 2 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Nov 03, 2011. deleted 11/27/11
ID#A875555-BAKERSFIELD SHELTERI am a male, brown Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter staff think I am about 6 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Nov 11, 2011. deleted 11/20/11
ID#A875252-BAKERSFIELD SHELTERI am a female, black Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter staff think I am about 4 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Nov 09, 2011. deleted 11/20/11
ID#A873812-BAKERSFIELD SHELTERI am a male, tan Cocker Spaniel mix.
The shelter staff think I am about 2 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Oct 28, 2011 deleted 11/20/11
ID#A871534-BAKERSFIELD SHELTERI am a female, brown and white Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter staff think I am about 5 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Oct 10, 2011. deleted 11/20/11
D#A873562-BAKERSFIELD SHELTERI am a male, tan Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter staff think I am about 3 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Oct 26, 2011. deleted 11/10/11
ID#A871949-BAKERSFIELD SHELTERI am a male, black Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter staff think I am about 3 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Oct 12, 2011. deleted 10/30/11
I am a neutered male, tan Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter staff think I am about 6 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Sep 21, 2011.
Owner turn in
deleted 10/26/11
ID#A870795-BAKERSFIELD SHELTERI am a female, buff and blond Cocker Spaniel.
My age is unknown.
I have been at the shelter since Oct 04, 2011. deleted 10/26/11
ID#A872226-BAKERSFIELD SHELTERI am a female, brown and white Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter staff think I am about 3 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Oct 14, 2011. deleted 10/21/11
ID#A871338-BAKERSFIELD SHELTERI am a male, tan Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter staff think I am about 6 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Oct 08, 2011. deleted 10/21/11
ID#A870510-BAKERSFIELD SHELTERI am a female, gold Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter staff think I am about 3 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Oct 01, 2011. deleted 10/11/11
ID#A869556-BAKERSFIELD SHELTERI am a female, brown Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter staff think I am about 4 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Sep 23, 2011 deleted 10/11/11
ID#A869557-BAKERSFIELD SHELTERI am a female, brown Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter staff think I am about 4 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Sep 23, 2011. deleted 10/11/11
ID#A868903-BAKERSFIELD SHELTERI am a female, tan and white Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter staff think I am about 1 year old.
I have been at the shelter since Sep 19, 2011 deleted 9/27/11
ID#A868518-BAKERSFIELD SHELTERI am a female, buff Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter staff think I am about 1 year and 6 months old.
I have been at the shelter since Sep 15, 2011. deleted 9/27/11
I am a male, brown Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter staff think I am about 4 months old.
I have been at the shelter since Sep 14, 2011 deleted 9/20/11
ID#A867441-BAKERSFIELD SHELTERI am a male, black Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter staff think I am about 4 months old.
I have been at the shelter since Sep 07, 2011. deleted 9/13/11
ID#A866232-BAKERSFIELD SHELTERI am a female, gold Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter staff think I am about 6 months old.
I have been at the shelter since Aug 26, 2011. deleted 9/13/11
ID#A866032-BAKERSFIELD SHELTERI am a male, brown Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter staff think I am about 9 months old.
I have been at the shelter since Aug 25, 2011. deleted 9/13/11
ID#A866031-BAKERSFIELD SHELTERI am a male, brown Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter staff think I am about 4 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Aug 25, 2011. deleted 9/6/11
ID#A864707-BAKERSFIELD SHELTERI am a male, black Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter staff think I am about 9 months old.
I have been at the shelter since Aug 16, 2011. deleted 9/6/11
I am a male, buff Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter staff think I am about 6 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Aug 26, 2011. deleted 8/30/11
ID#A863179-BAKERSFIELD SHELTERI am a male, buff Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter staff think I am about 5 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Aug 03, 2011. deleted 8/30/11
ID#A864696-BAKERSFIELD SHELTERI am a male, black Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter staff think I am about 3 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Aug 16, 2011. deleted 8/23/11
ID#A864112-BAKERSFIELD SHELTERI am a female, black and brown Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter staff think I am about 10 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Aug 11, 2011. deleted 8/23/11
ID#A862732-BAKERSFIELD SHELTERI am a male, buff Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter staff think I am about 5 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Jul 29, 2011 deleted 8/16/11
ID#A861944-BAKERSFIELD SHELTERI am a female, tan Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter staff think I am about 2 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Jul 22, 2011. deleted 8/16/11
ID#A862067-BAKERSFIELD SHELTERI am a male, black and tricolor Cocker Spaniel mix.
The shelter staff think I am about 2 months old.
I have been at the shelter since Jul 23, 2011 deleted 8/7/11
ID#A861080-BAKERSFIELD SHELTERI am a female, black and white Cocker Spaniel mix.
My age is unknown.
I have been at the shelter since Jul 15, 2011. deleted 8/7/11
ID#A861322-BAKERSFIELD SHELTERI am a male, white and brown Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter staff think I am about 1 year old.
I have been at the shelter since Jul 18, 2011 deleted 8/7/11
ID#A860872-BAKERSFIELD SHELTERI am a male, buff Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter staff think I am about 5 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Jul 13, 2011. deleted 8/7/11
ID#A860531-BAKERSFIELD SHELTERI am a male, blonde Cocker Spaniel
The shelter staff think I am about 5 months old.
I have been at the shelter since Jul 11, 2011.
deleted 8/7/11
ID#A859742-BAKERSFIELD SHELTERI am a male, tan Cocker Spaniel mix.
The shelter staff think I am about 7 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Jul 05, 2011.
deleted 7/12/11
ID#A857775-BAKERSFIELD SHELTERI am a female, black Cocker Spaniel mix.
My age is unknown.
I have been at the shelter since Jun 17, 2011. deleted 7/3/11
ID#A857655-BAKERSFIELD SHELTERI am a female, blonde Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter staff think I am about 12 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Jun 16, 2011 deleted 7/3/11
ID#A856361-BAKERSFIELD SHELTERI am a female, black and white Cocker Spaniel mix.
The shelter staff think I am about 1 year old.
I have been at the shelter since Jun 07, 2011. deleted 7/3/11
ID#A855913-BAKERSFIELD SHELTERI am a male, black English Cocker Spaniel mix.
My age is unknown.
I have been at the shelter since Jun 03, 2011.
deleted 6/21/11
ID#A854952-BAKERSFIELD SHELTERI am a male, tan Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter staff think I am about 1 year old.
I have been at the shelter since May 26, 2011. deleted 6/11/11
ID#A854459-BAKERSFIELD SHELTERI am a male, blonde Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter staff think I am about 3 years old.
I have been at the shelter since May 23, 2011. deleted 6/7/11
PRECIOUS - ID#A832312My name is PRECIOUS.
I am a female, gold Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter staff think I am about 5 years old.
I have been at the shelter since May 11, 2011. deleted 6/7/11
ID#A850580-BAKERSFIELD SHELTERI am a red Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter staff think I am about 5 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Apr 23, 2011 deleted 5/6/11
ID#A849535-BAKERSFIELD SHELTERI am a male, brown and white Cocker Spaniel mix.
The shelter staff think I am about 1 year old.
I have been at the shelter since Apr 13, 2011. deleted 5/6/11
ID#A850812-BAKERSFIELD SHELTERI am a neutered male, black Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter staff think I am about 10 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Apr 25, 2011 deleted 4/29/11
ID#A849534-BAKERSFIELD SHELTERI am a male, black and brown Cocker Spaniel mix.
The shelter staff think I am about 1 year old.
I have been at the shelter since Apr 13, 2011. deleted 4/29/11
ID#A848453-BAKERSFIELD SHELTERI am a female, brown Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter staff think I am about 7 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Apr 05, 2011. deleted 4/24/11
ID#A848452-BAKERSFIELD SHELTERI am a male, black and white Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter staff think I am about 8 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Apr 05, 2011. deleted 4/19/11
ID#A848749-BAKERSFIELD SHELTERI am a female, cream Cocker Spaniel mix.
The shelter staff think I am about 5 months old.
I have been at the shelter since Apr 07, 2011 deleted 4/19/11
ID#A846376I am a female, buff and tan Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter staff think I am about 5 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Mar 17, 2011 deleted 4/17/11
ID#A846375I am a male, black and white Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter staff think I am about 5 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Mar 17, 2011 delted 4/17/11
ID#A847783-bakersfield shelterI am a female, white and tan Cocker Spaniel mix.
The shelter staff think I am about 1 year old.
I have been at the shelter since Mar 29, 2011 deleted 4/8/11
ID#A846776I am a male, buff Cocker Spaniel mix.
My age is unknown.
I have been at the shelter since Mar 20, 2011 deleted 4/8/11
ID#A846571I am a male, gold Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter staff think I am about 1 year old.
I have been at the shelter since Mar 18, 2011. deleted 4/8/11
ID#A846417I am a female, black and white Cocker Spaniel mix.
The shelter staff think I am about 2 months old.
I have been at the shelter since Mar 17, 2011 deleted 4/8/11
ID#A847195-BAKERSFIELD SHELTERI am a male, brown and white Cocker Spaniel mix.
The shelter staff think I am about 2 months old.
I have been at the shelter since Mar 23, 2011. deleted 3/30/11
ID#A846169I am a female, cream Cocker Spaniel mix.
The shelter staff think I am about 2 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Mar 15, 2011. deleted 3/30/11
ID#A847190-BAKERSFIELD SHELTERI am a male, white and brown Cocker Spaniel mix.
The shelter staff think I am about 2 months old.
I have been at the shelter since Mar 23, 2011 deleted 3/25/11
ID#A845648I am a male, yellow Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter staff think I am about 2 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Mar 10, 2011.
ID#A845648-BAKERSFIELD SHELTERI am a male, yellow Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter staff think I am about 2 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Mar 10, 2011. deleted 3/13/11
ID#A843738I am a female, blonde and blond Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter staff think I am about 2 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Feb 16, 2011. deleted 2/24/11
ID#A842596I am a female, tan Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter staff think I am about 3 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Feb 04, 2011. deleted 2/20/11
ID#A842578 This female, black and white Cocker Spaniel is about 1 year old. She has been at the shelter since Feb 04, 2011 deleted 2/19/11
ID#A842595I am a female, tan Cocker Spaniel.
The shelter staff think I am about 3 years old.
I have been at the shelter since Feb 04, 2011, deleted 2/15
This female, blonde Cocker Spaniel is about 2 years old. She has been at the shelter since Jan 14, 2011.
deleted 2/7/11
ID#A840956This female, cream Cocker Spaniel is about 5 years old. She has been at the shelter since Jan 19, 2011.
deleted 2/7/11
This female, black Cocker Spaniel is about 1 year old. She has been at the shelter since Feb 01, 2011.
deleted 2/7/11
SHORTY - ID#A838991
This male, cream Cocker Spaniel is about 2 years old. He has been at the shelter since Dec 22, 2010.
deleted 2/2/11
This female, gold Cocker Spaniel is about 9 months old. She has been at the shelter since Jan 07, 2011.
deleted 1/20/11
MIMI - ID#A840205This female, white and buff Cocker Spaniel has been at the shelter since Jan 10, 2011.
deleted 1/15/11
SASSY - ID#A840203
This female, black and tricolor Cocker Spaniel has been at the shelter since Jan 10, 2011.
deleted 1/15/11
This male, gold and blond Cocker Spaniel is about 5 years old. He has been at the shelter since Dec 17, 2010.
deleted 1/1/11
This male, black Cocker Spaniel is about 4 years old. He has been at the shelter since Dec 06, 2010.
deleted 12/22/10
This female, brown and white Cocker Spaniel is about 11 years old. She has been at the shelter since Dec 06, 2010.
deleted 12/15/10
This female, buff Cocker Spaniel is about 4 years old. She has been at the shelter since Dec 06, 2010.
deleted 12/15/10ID#A836627
This spayed female, cream Cocker Spaniel is 5 years old. She has been at the shelter since Dec 01, 2010.
deleted 12/10/10ID#A836094
This male, tan Cocker Spaniel is about 8 years old. He has been at the shelter since Nov 27, 2010.
deleted 12/6/10
ID#A834216This male, black and white English Cocker Spaniel is about 4 years old. He has been at the shelter since Nov 09, 2010.
deleted 12/2/10
DREWFUS - ID#A834886
This male, tan Cocker Spaniel is about 7 years old. He has been at the shelter since Nov 15, 2010.
deleted 12/2/10
This male, black and brown Cocker Spaniel is about 1 year old. He has been at the shelter since Nov 24, 2010.
deleted 12/2/10
ID#A834308 This neutered male, buff and gold Cocker Spaniel is about 3 years old. He has been at the shelter since Nov 10, 2010.
deleted 11/17/10
This neutered male, blonde Cocker Spaniel is about 3 years old. He has been at the shelter since Oct 23, 2010.
deleted 11/14/10
This male, buff Cocker Spaniel is about 1 year and 6 months old. He has been at the shelter since Oct 29, 2010.
deleted 11/14/10
This female, white and brown Cocker Spaniel is about 3 years old. She has been at the shelter since Nov 02, 2010.
deleted 11/14/10
This female, gold Cocker Spaniel is about 1 year old. She has been at the shelter since Oct 25, 2010.
deleted 10/30/10
This female, brown Cocker Spaniel mix is about 7 years old. She has been at the shelter since Oct 25, 2010.
deleted 10/30/10ID#A831057
This female, gold Cocker Spaniel puppy is about 8 months old. She has been at the shelter since Oct 15, 2010.
deleted 10/30/10
This neutered male, blonde Cocker Spaniel is about 12 years old. He has been at the shelter since Sep 25, 2010.
deleted 10/20/10
This female, buff Cocker Spaniel is about 5 years old. She has been at the shelter since Oct 04, 2010.
deleted 10/20/10
DAISY MAE - ID#A827143
This black Cocker Spaniel mix is about 8 months old. She has been at the shelter since Sep 17, 2010.
deleted 9/28/10
This spayed female, fawn Cocker Spaniel is about 6 years old. She has been at the shelter since Sep 11, 2010.
rescued by Camp Cocker 9/22/10
This male, liver and white Cocker Spaniel is about 1 year and 6 months old. He has been at the shelter since Sep 14, 2010.
rescued by Camp Cocker 9/22/10 and named Doogie
This female, black and white Cocker Spaniel is about 3 years old. She has been at the shelter since Sep 14, 2010.
rescued by Camp Cocker 9/22/10 and named Crystal
HONEY - ID#A788372
This spayed female, red Cocker Spaniel is about 2 years and 1 month old. She has been at the shelter since Aug 11, 2010.
deleted 9/17/10
This male, tan and cream Cocker Spaniel has been at the shelter since Aug 27, 2010.
rescued by Camp Cocker 9/22/10 and named Danny Boy
This male, gold Cocker Spaniel is about 2 years old. He has been at the shelter since Aug 31, 2010.
deleted 9/1/10
This male, buff Cocker Spaniel is about 2 years old. He has been at the shelter since Aug 20, 2010.
deleted 8/31/10
This female, black Cocker Spaniel is about 6 years old. She has been at the shelter since Aug 11, 2010.
deleted 8/23/10
ID#A820788 This male, brown Cocker Spaniel mix has been at the shelter since Aug 03, 2010.
deleted 8/19/10
This female, brown and red Cocker Spaniel is about 1 year old. She has been at the shelter since Aug 11, 2010.
deleted 8/19/10
This female, red Cocker Spaniel is about 2 years old. She has been at the shelter since Aug 05, 2010.
deleted 8/10/10
This male, white Cocker Spaniel - Miniature Poodle mix is about 1 year old. He has been at the shelter since Jul 07, 2010.
deleted 8/10/10
This female, parti Cocker Spaniel is about 1 year and 6 months old. She has been at the shelter since Jul 26, 2010.
deleted 7/31/10
This male, parti Cocker Spaniel is about 1 year and 6 months old. He has been at the shelter since Jul 26, 2010.
deleted 7/31/10
This male, black and tan Cocker Spaniel is about 2 years old. He has been at the shelter since Jul 04, 2010.
ID#A816435This male, black and brown Cocker Spaniel is about 1 year and 6 months old. He has been at the shelter since Jul 06, 2010.
deleted 7/22/10
This female, fawn Cocker Spaniel puppy is about 6 months old. She has been at the shelter since Jul 12, 2010.
deleted 7/22/10LUCKY - ID#A800317 This neutered male, brown Cocker Spaniel is about 4 years old. He has been at the shelter since Jul 06, 2010.
deleted 7/9/10GOLDIE - ID#A815828
This female, brown Cocker Spaniel mix is about 4 years old. She has been at the shelter since Jul 01, 2010.
rescued by Camp Cocker 7/8/10!
This neutered male, black Cocker Spaniel is about 7 years old. He has been at the shelter since Jun 26, 2010.
rescued by Camp Cocker 7/8/10!
BUDDY - ID#A812567
This neutered male, tan and brown Cocker Spaniel is about 8 years old. He has been at the shelter since Jun 27, 2010.
rescued by Camp Cocker 7/8/10!ID#A814538
This male, black Cocker Spaniel is about 2 years old. He has been at the shelter since Jun 22, 2010.
rescued by Camp Cocker 7/8/10!
This male, gold Cocker Spaniel is about 2 years old. He has been at the shelter since Jun 22, 2010.
rescued by Camp Cocker 7/8/10!
This female, black and white Cocker Spaniel puppy is about 2 months old. She has been at the shelter since Jun 27, 2010.
deleted 7/5/10
This male, black and white Cocker Spaniel puppy is about 2 months old. He has been at the shelter since Jun 27, 2010.
deleted 7/5/10
This female, black and tricolor Cocker Spaniel is about 2 months old. She has been at the shelter since Jun 27, 2010.
deleted 7/5/10
PETEY - ID#A711039
This neutered male, black Cocker Spaniel mix is about 3 years old. He has been at the shelter since Jun 07, 2010.
deleted 7/1/10
This female, brown and white Cocker Spaniel is about 2 years old. She has been at the shelter since Jun 14, 2010.
deleted 7/1/10
CADIE - ID#A807061
This female, tan Cocker Spaniel is about 8 years old. She has been at the shelter since Apr 30, 2010.
deleted 6/14/10ID#A810078
This neutered male, white and tan Cocker Spaniel is about 5 years old. He has been at the shelter since May 22, 2010.
deleted 5/25/10ID#A809309
This female, white and brown Cocker Spaniel is about 1 year old. She has been at the shelter since May 17, 2010.
deleted 5/20/10
This female, black Cocker Spaniel is about 5 years old. She has been at the shelter since Apr 29, 2010.
deleted 5/14/10

This female, black and white Cocker Spaniel mix puppy is about 4 months old. She has been at the shelter since May 03, 2010.
deleted 5/14/10
This male, blonde Cocker Spaniel is about 5 years old. He has been at the shelter since May 01, 2010.
deleted 5/14/10
This female, gold Cocker Spaniel is about 10 months old. She has been at the shelter since May 08, 2010.
deleted 5/14/10
This male, gold and blond Cocker Spaniel is about 1 year and 6 months old. He has been at the shelter since May 08, 2010.
deleted 5/14/10

This female, black and white Cocker Spaniel is about 1 year old. She has been at the shelter since May 10, 2010.
deleted 5/14/10
This male, black and gray Cocker Spaniel is about 6 years old. He has been at the shelter since May 03, 2010.
deleted 5/5/10
This female, chocolate Cocker Spaniel is about 3 years old. She has been at the shelter since Apr 15, 2010.
deleted 5/4/10
This female, black and brown Cocker Spaniel is about 1 year and 6 months old. She has been at the shelter since Apr 19, 2010.
deleted 5/4/10
CADIE - ID#A807061
This female, tan Cocker Spaniel is about 8 years old. She has been at the shelter since Apr 30, 2010.
deleted 5/4/10
SIDA - ID#A691926
This spayed female, black Cocker Spaniel mix has been at the shelter since Apr 30, 2010.
deleted 5/4/10
This female, tan Cocker Spaniel puppy is about 5 months old. She has been at the shelter since Apr 14, 2010.
deleted 4/26/10
ID#A805577 This female, red and white Cocker Spaniel is about 1 year old. She has been at the shelter since Apr 20, 2010.
deleted 4/26/10ID#A804211
This female, black and white Cocker Spaniel is about 1 year old. She has been at the shelter since Apr 10, 2010.
deleted 4/22/10
This male, brown Cocker Spaniel puppy is about 5 weeks old. He has been at the shelter since Apr 07, 2010.
deleted 4/18/10

ID#A802436 This male, black Cocker Spaniel is about 1 year old. He has been at the shelter since Mar 29, 2010.
deleted 4/7/10ID#A803122
This female, brown Cocker Spaniel is about 5 years old. She has been at the shelter since Apr 01, 2010.
deleted 4/2/10ID#A802118 This female, brown and white Cocker Spaniel is about 1 year old. She has been at the shelter since Mar 25, 2010.
deleted 4/2/10ID#A789920
This male, black and red Cocker Spaniel is about 5 months old. He has been at the shelter since Dec 09, 2009.
deleted 3/26/10ID#A800317
This male, brown Cocker Spaniel is about 4 years old. He has been at the shelter since Mar 12, 2010.
deleted 3/22/10
This female, brown and white Cocker Spaniel is about 1 year old. She has been at the shelter since Mar 19, 2010.
deleted 3/22/10ID#A789910, A789917, A789920
These three Cocker Spaniel puppies (two female, one male) are about 5 months old. They have been at the shelter since Dec 09, 2009.
deleted 3/18/10ID#A800807
This male, black and tan Cocker Spaniel puppy is about 3 months old. He has been at the shelter since Mar 16, 2010.
This female, black and brown Cocker Spaniel is about 4 years old. She has been at the shelter since Feb 22, 2010.
deleted 3/11/10
This female, brown and black Cocker Spaniel mix is about 6 weeks old. She has been at the shelter since Mar 01, 2010.
deleted 3/11/10
This male, brown and black Cocker Spaniel mix is about 6 weeks old. He has been at the shelter since Mar 01, 2010.
deleted 3/11/10
ID#A798693This male, brown and black Cocker Spaniel mix is about 6 weeks old. He has been at the shelter since Mar 01, 2010.
deleted 3/11/10
ID#A798600This male, black and brown Cocker Spaniel mix is about 3 years old. He has been at the shelter since Mar 01, 2010.
deleted 3/6/10
This female, gold Cocker Spaniel is about 1 year old. She has been at the shelter since Feb 22, 2010.
deleted 3/3/10ID#A796447This male, gold Cocker Spaniel has been at the shelter since Feb 12, 2010.
deleted 2/22/10
ID#A796460 This female, brown and white Cocker Spaniel mix is about 9 months old. She has been at the shelter since Feb 13, 2010.
deleted 2/20/10
This female, brown and black Cocker Spaniel mix puppy is about 6 weeks old. She has been at the shelter since Feb 08, 2010.
deleted 2/13/10
This male, brown and black Cocker Spaniel mix puppy is about 6 weeks old. He has been at the shelter since Feb 08, 2010.
deleted 2/13/10ID#A793124
This spayed, female, gold Cocker Spaniel is about 3 years old. She has been at the shelter since Jan 14, 2010.
deleted 2/4/10
This male, black and tan Cocker Spaniel is about 5 years old. He has been at the shelter since Jan 23, 2010.
deleted 2/4/10
This male, tan Cocker Spaniel is about 5 years old. He has been at the shelter since Jan 23, 2010.
deleted 2/4/10ID#A791888
This male, black and white Cocker Spaniel mix is about 2 years old. He has been at the shelter since Jan 04, 2010.
deleted 2/4/10
This female, brown and white Cocker Spaniel is about 2 years old. She has been at the shelter since Jan 25, 2010.
deleted 2/4/10
This male, blonde and cream Cocker Spaniel has been at the shelter since Jan 08, 2010.
deleted 1/23/10
ID#A792868This male, black Cocker Spaniel is about 2 years old. He has been at the shelter since Jan 12, 2010.
deleted 1/21/10ID#A792016
This female, black Cocker Spaniel is about 8 years old. She has been at the shelter since Jan 05, 2010.
deleted 1/17/10
This male, gold and white Cocker Spaniel is about 2 years old. He has been at the shelter since Jan 05, 2010.
deleted 1/17/10
This female, black and gray Cocker Spaniel has been at the shelter since Jan 08, 2010.
This male, brown and tan Cocker Spaniel is about 4 years old. He has been at the shelter since Jan 11, 2010.
deleted 1/13/10[no photo yet]
ID#A787690This female, tan Cocker Spaniel/Chihuahua mix is about 4 years old. She has been at the shelter since Nov 12, 2009.
deleted 1/12/10
This female, white and brown Cocker Spaniel is about 7 years old. She has been at the shelter since Dec 23, 2009.
deleted 1/12/10
YASHKA - ID#A792171
This neutered male, black and white Cocker Spaniel is about 6 years old. He has been at the shelter since Jan 06, 2010.
deleted 1/12/10ID#A791906This female, blonde Cocker Spaniel is about 7 years old. She has been at the shelter since Jan 04, 2010.
deleted 1/10/10
This male, parti and white Cocker Spaniel is about 11 months old. He has been at the shelter since Dec 16, 2009.
deleted 1/6/10ID#A789039
This female, buff Cocker Spaniel is about 9 years old. She has been at the shelter since Dec 01, 2009.
deleted 12/23/09ID#A790370
This male, gold Cocker Spaniel is about 2 years old. He has been at the shelter since Dec 14, 2009.
deleted 12/22/09ID#A789618
This female, white Cocker Spaniel and Chihuahua mix has been at the shelter since Dec 07, 2009.
deleted 12/16/09
This male, cream and white Cocker Spaniel mix is about 3 months old. He has been at the shelter since Dec 02, 2009.
deleted 12/13/09ID#A788935
This female, cream Cocker Spaniel is about 1 year and 1 month old. She has been at the shelter since Nov 30, 2009.
deleted 12/13/09ID#A788330
This spayed female, black Cocker Spaniel is about 1 year and 7 months old. She has been at the shelter since Nov 21, 2009.
deleted 12/11/09
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